Chapter Sixteen

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Scourge blinked, "Panther and Brick, go bury the body." He said as Bone hopped off of Clay's lifeless body.

Scourge watched Bone lick the blood off of his paws and claws. "Bone?" He asked. Bone glanced up at him, "Yes?" The black and white tomcat glanced up at his leader on the dumpster.

Scourge blinked, "Do you ever get tired of me and my stupid self?" He heard Bone sigh, "Come here, Scourge." Bone muttered.

Scourge obeyed, hopping off of the dumpster and laying beside the larger male. He thought of all the things Bone could say, praying it wasn't bad.

Bone flicked his tail, "Look at me." Scourge looked up at him, feeling weird. Bone purred, "Don't think I would get tired of you, Scourge. How could one say that? You're so adorable, perfect, and amazing!" He exclaimed.

Scourge rolled his eyes as Bone nuzzled him, "Oh shush." He couldn't help but purr. "And I am far  from perfect. I am small, I have an annoying voice, I'm super gay. Like when the cat gods made me they were like, 'Let's make him annoying, stupid, gay as hell, kit looking, psychotic and- uh- everything else that's of an idiot.' " He snorted.

Bone rolled his eyes at his mate's remark, "You're perfect in my eyes. I prefer small, gay, psychotic tomcats. Your voice isn't annoying either, you're just lying to yourself." He licked Scourge's cheek.

Scourge scoffed, "Whatever. Can we hang out alone again? I'll put Night in charge again sense he seems good in that stuff." He commented.

Bone got lost in his thoughts for a moment, "Of course, Scourge. Wh-" He got cut off by Tigerstar, "Scourge." The ShadowClan leader growled.

Scourge looked at Tigerstar, "What?" He looked at the clearly frightened kit at the tabby's paws. Tigerstar flicked his ear, "I found these two kittens walking around in my forest. I thought you may want them for some use." He said.

Scourge stared at the one kit and looked at the second kit in Darkstripe's jaws. "Okay, just quit terrifying them. They are literally like five moons old." He watched Darkstripe put the kit down. Tigerstar rolled his eyes at Scourge.

The kit that was in Darkstripe's mouth was a black she-kit with a white muzzle and white paws. He had soft green eyes that reminded him of Bone.

The runt of the litter slowly approached him and Bone. The runt was a dusky brown tomkit with black and white paws and sleek fur. He had green eyes like his sister.

Scourge had to admit that the kits were adorable and he kind of wanted to protect them with his life. Tigerstar turned around, "Have fun with the two little bastards." He hissed and walked out of the alleyway, Darkstripe at his heels.

Scourge blinked bitterly at Tigerstar. He rolled his eyes. Bone purred, "They are adorable." He meowed happily.

The runt blinked, "I'm Clover." He said. Scourge looked at Clover, "Welcome to BloodClan, Clover. I'm Scourge and this is my deputy Bone." He nodded to Bone whom looked like he had never seen kits before.

The black she-kit nodded, "I'm Charcoal." She mewed, not seeming very excited about this. Bone spoke, "You guys are all so small." He looked almost smug. Scourge rolled his eyes, "And you are frustratingly large." Bone purred in amusement. Clover and Charcoal seemed to warm up a bit to their playful behavior, "Yeah. I bet I am going to be bigger than you, Scourge." Charcoal put in.

Scourge rolled his eyes, "Everyone is bigger than me except kits." He huffed. Bone nudged Scourge gently, "Whatever, my precious emo." He laughed a bit.

Scourge purred, "Charcoal, Clover, you two can mess around with the other warriors. If they hurt you in any way, tell me and Bone." The two kits nodded and scampered off quickly.

"I feel like a father." Bone snorted. Scourge giggled,"They grow up so fast!~" He exclaimed, pretending to wipe tears.

Bone snorted again, "Ah, it's so sad to see them leave!~" He cried jokingly. The two tomcats started to laugh at their mockery.

When Scourge and Bone's laughter died down, Scourge spoke, "I feel like a father too, Bone. Atleast know when we die, they will take our places if they are still alive." He meowed joyfully.

Bone nodded, "Yeah. I will protect them with my life and I will love you until the day I die. I swear on my life, Scourge." He mewed quietly.

Scourge nodded, "I do as well, my loyal deputy." He purred, pride welling in his icy blue eyes. Bone nuzzled him gently.

To their delight, most cats were outside of BloodClan doing their duties. There were only four cats gaurding BloodClan and two talking near Scourge's dumpster.

Scourge purred, "Can I groom you?" He asked. Bone tilted his head, "Why?" He questioned.

Scourge answered, "You do it to me so often, I want to pay you back." He said. Bone chuckled, "Okay, go ahead." He let Scourge wash him. He almost fell asleep to Scourge's laps. He heard Scourge sigh, "What's wrong, Scourge?" He asked, glancing at his small mate.

Scourge looked at Bone, "Huh? Oh. Nothing, just thinking about what is going to happen when we tell BloodClan about... Us." He said.

Bone intertwined tails with Scourge, "Don't get too upset over it. We don't have to tell them until you are ready. I don't want to push you into something you are uncomfortable with doing. Tell me when you want to tell BloodClan, because I will be ready when you are." He meowed softly.

Scourge felt his face heat up, "You're too sweet, Bone." He purred, his expression grateful. He finished cleaning Bone and sighed.

"I don't deserve you, Scourge." Bone purred. Scourge rolled his eyes playfully. His whiskers twitched in pure amusement, "I don't deserve you either, you lovely idiot."

Bone licked him in behind his ears gently. They were silent for a few moments before they heard the cry of a kit...

Cliff hanger because I love y'all  so much
I made a 1,000+ word chapter because I'm cool like that. My normal chapters are like 300 words lmao

Anyways, Scourge and Bone said, "WHO HURT OUR ADOPTED CHILDREN >:0 *Parental protectiveness intensifies* "

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