Chapter Twelve

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Bone padded to Princess' twoleg home. He needed to tell her what happened right away. His claws flexed as he climbed into the fence, "Princess?" He called.

The brown tabby she-cat quickly rushed out and hopped onto the fence beside her half-brother's friend, "What happened for you to come so early at dawn?" She asked.

Bone purred in amusement, "I told him through having a nightmare." He mewed. Princess nodded, "If you break his heart you are going to be so dead." She growled harshly.

Bone blinked at her and nodded, "I swear on my life that I will never." His ears pinned back slightly in truthfulness.

Princess nodded, "Good." She then glanced back at her home, "I can come to visit you two at some point just to see how you two are doing." She said.

Bone had a question come to his mind, "Has Clay come to visit you?" He hissed, anger in his voice.

Princess nodded, "He keeps telling me how much he loves Scourge even though Scourge is already taken by you. He despises you with such hatred it is unhealthy." She turned away.

Bone scoffed. Maybe I should get rid of him. He hasn't done anything for BloodClan and he hasn't even got anything on his collar. The black and white tomcat glanced at his collar which had atleast 10 dog claws and teeth. He is only there to try to have Scourge love him so he can be protected and have Scourge do his dirty work. He glanced at Princess, whom was explaining something.

Bone was too deep in his thoughts to notice. "Bone!" He heard the voice of Scourge exclaim. Bone jumped slightly, "Yeah? How did you know I was here?" He asked.

Scourge huffed, "Clay told me." He said. Bone's eyes dilated with envy as Scourge said Clay's name. Scourge blinked, "Anyways. Is this where you were going when I almost got ran over with a monster?" He questioned. Bone was frozen and silent for a moment slowly shook his head 'yes', "Yeah."

Scourge sighed, "Well, I need you. I just want to talk to you about something." He said.

Bone nodded, "M'kay. See you, Princess." He lept of the fence and walked away with Scourge. He wondered what Scourge was going to ask or say to him. Scourge halted as they got to the forest near the Thunderpath. "What are we going to tell the other cats of BloodClan about us being mates?" He asked.

Bone shrugged, "I don't know. But I know that most of them will stop following and being loyal to you." He sighed, "They may even try to kill us. Do you have any family members to give us advice or something?" He asked and sighed.

Scourge thought for a moment, "Not that would help me with it. Perhaps. I think that my mother told me a story about my father falling for a warrior of WindClan. Talltail I think it was but I don't even know if my dad is still alive or whom he is. His name is Jake though." He glanced up at Bone.

Bone looked at Scourge thoughtfully, licking him in between the ears, "We can ask the WindClan warrior about Jake." He received a short grunt for a no.

Scourge snorted, "You got twoleg kits in your brain?" He asked, cracking up into laughter and putting a paw over his mouth. Bone's expression was confused, "What?" He asked, turning to Scourge. Scourge continued to giggle, "That sounded so stupid." He said.

"We can ask your half - brother." Bone shrugged. Scourge dropped silent.

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