Chapter Fifty Four - Unwanted Return

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Todoroki POV

A week has passed since my talk with Aizawa and I, I hadn't heard anything since then. When I searched Chizome's name, I didn't get anything. Aizawa was right. They are keeping this under the radar.

There was really nothing I could do about this than just wait. It'll probably be a good idea if I held off on trying to date Momo, just for the time being so that Chizome will be somewhat okay when she comes back. I don't really know how I'm gonna be when she gets back... if she gets back. There's a possibility she gets thrown in jail like her dad.

This was what they were trying to prevent from the start. Still, she ended up becoming what everyone told her she was. I don't totally blame her, but I wished she was a little stronger.


I snapped my head to the side to see who was calling me. It was just Midoriya. "Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"I'm fine." I answered. I stood up, "I'm gonna call it a night. Bye."

Everyone collectively said their good nights and went back to what they were doing. I laid awake in bed remembering the last time I saw her. Shit.


After a week, news of (F/n)'s court trial finally got to the news. It was a really big thing that caused a lot of uproar. She had her preliminary hearing, while this was all under the media's radar and now they were rushing for a trial. Usually they'd wait 60 days, but the judge wanted to make a decision now.

On Tuesday, we had a substitute for the very first time. Aizawa attended the trial along with the principal. I wondered how the trial would go

There were so many witnesses that came besides Aizawa and the principal, Eri, my father, her mother, Hawks, staff from her agency, her therapist, and apparently a former member of Shie Hassaiksi by the name of Chiyo were all witnesses. By the end of the day, she's either here or put away.

My phone dinged. It was Google telling me that Chizome was trending. I unlocked my phone to read an article about what happened.

Chizome was found guilty of treason and accessory to crime. She became the government's property, she was put on a federal watchlist and put on probation for 15 years, the only reason she wasn't put in jail was because they didn't believe she was a danger to society. Under the terms of her probation, she had many rules and guidelines to follow, she had the same rights a prisoner had, not a regular citizen, and she was approved to keep attending U.A.

I was the first to know, but the other learned about Chizome when they were in the dorms and turned on the news.

"Well... she's our classmates. We should be kind to her. She's been through a lot." Midoriya said.

"I mean... yeah. She still had all our support."
Kirishima said.

I didn't join the conversation and just stayed on my phone to distract myself. She should be arriving soon.

Your POV

I stepped out the car onto the U.A grounds. I looked around at the place I use to call home, I didn't really want to be back. It wasn't like I had much of a choice, I was skating on thin ice with everyone here. If I anything it was either psych ward or prison.

My eyes wander around never staying in one spot too long. I decided to tie my dark hair out the way into a ponytail.

"(F/n)." Aizawa said. "You're really lucky they let you go."

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