Chapter Forty Two - Bottled Up Feelings

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Your POV

"I'm fine, Hitoshi. It's not even a big deal." I told him, still he insisted on following me to work.

"No, it's not. Stop saying everything is okay when it's not." Hitoshi scolded me. "You use to tell me everything and now you're barely talking to me."

"Oh my god! Then go fucking join them!" I yelled at him in annoyance. "Chizome doesn't talk to us anymore. She doesn't do this or that! Maybe there's something wrong with Chizome. Chizome this. Chizome that. Can you all just shut up!? I already have the news on my back 24/7 and a job to work. The last thing I care about his hurting my poor little classmates feelings. They're living such privileged lives. You're living such a privileged lives. So geez, I'm so sorry that you're little Chizome doesn't want to hang out with you because you can't fucking relate her. Ugh!"

"Feel better, your highness?" Hitoshi asked while crossing his arms.

"Yes." I stated and kept walking.

"Okay, after work, drop by my dorm so we can talk for a bit. 'Kay?" Hitoshi said.

"Sure. Whatever."

Nothing really special happened. We just catch up on all our lost time. I told him everything... well everything except for Dabi.

When I got back to my own dorm, everyone was already asleep. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with that confrontation right now. I checked my personal phone and it was all messages from everyone apologizing for what had happened early. I decided not to read them yet. I went up to my room and sat by 'Feelings Wall', I called it, and wrote things down.

After, I called it a night. Today, Sir Nighteye and I set the date for the joint meeting with other pros. It was finally time to finish this thing.

~*Time Skip*~

Everyone was gathered together. At this point, I think everyone had. "Nighteye, lets get started." Ryuko announced.

Sir Nighteye agreed and gather everyone in the conference room. Without any delays, we got the meeting started.

Sir Nighteye started the meeting. "Thanks to the information we received from you all, the investigation has moved forwrd substantially. We will now have a confernce to share what information we have accquired regarding what the small organization Shie Hassaikai is planning."

"Well then, Lets us begin," Bubble Girl said. She started reading off her tablet, "Those of us from the Sir Nighteye Agency and Toshihiko's Children's Welfare have been conducting an independent investigation into the designated villain group known as Shie Hassaikai for about two weeks."

"What prompt this?" Someone questioned.

"An accident involving a gang of thieves called the Reservoir Dogs. The police wrote it off as an accident but there were a number of points that didn't make sense so we began tailing them." Bubble Girl informed everyone.

Centipeder, Sir Nighteye's sidekick, spoke to the crowd, "I, Centipeder, conducted a follow up investigation. In my investigation, I found that in the past year the members of Shie Hassaikai have increased contact with those outside of their organization and other groups involved with shady businesses moving with the aim of expanding their organization and increasing their funds. And soon after starting the investigation, he was in contact with a member of the League of Villains Jin Bubaigawara villain name: Twice. They were wary of being tailed and I was unable to follow them. But with the help of the police I was able to confirm that an altercation had occurred between the two organization."

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