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"Why are things so complicated?"
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

I look down, avoiding Oikawa's gaze. Everyone playing right now is on the schools volleyball team or was before.

I look up from the ground. The people on the other side of the net are already in position to play. I walk over to the basket and get a ball.

I shove the volleyball into Hajimes chest. "Hajime, you can be our hitter, I'll be on the bench-"

One of the girls I don't know interrupts me. "Uhm.. actually can I sit on the bench? I'm not that great at volleyball, I just was a girls manager in second year." I look at her. She doesn't know how to play, and I don't want her to get hurt.

"Oh, that's fine!" I answer, smiling. I turn around and sigh, dropping my fake smile and retracting the ball from Hajime. I throw the ball to the other girl. "How about you serve first?" I ask smiling. I look back over to the net and see that they left me a hitting position. Great.

"Go ahead." I yell back to the girl serving. She hits it over and the team on the other side hits it back to us over the net. The boy behind me receives it and it goes right to Oikawa.

Out of habit, I run toward the net then swing my arms up into a jump, going as high as I can. Unfortunately, that was a little too high, and I forgot that I'm supposed to tell the setter about how high they need to set. But it's not like I was going to talk to Oikawa, just because we're playing volleyball.

The ball bounces to the ground and I land on my feet, walking over to get the ball from the side of the court. I turn back around and walk to my position with my usual smile. "Sorry, my bad, everyone." I roll the ball under the net to the other team.


After awhile, Oikawa got used to my high jumps and we won the 'game'. I didn't particularly care, but the teacher told us to dress out early after the game ends. I immediately ran to the dressing room as soon as it's over.

The girls followed, but by the time they made it into the locker room, I was completely dressed back into my uniform and was leaning on my locker. I had my phone out, even though we're not supposed to have them with us during classes.

The day is almost over, then I can go see Kenma. I'm still beyond disappointed and I'm trying so hard to let go of my feelings, but I just can't.


The bell rings and I walk back to class from the locker room. One more class before I can leave. I know (Y/n) is angry with me, and I want more than anything for her to listen. If she understood what happened, I know she would forgive me.

She's the first girl I've felt this way about, all my girlfriends in the past never made me feel like I do now. When I'm with her, I feel like I'm where I was always meant to be. I want time to slow so I stay in those moments, even if it's just for a few more seconds.

I just need the explain to her what happened. It's all a misunderstanding. Mayu is my ex, and she was jealous of me and (Y/n)'s 'relationship'. She approached me and decided to makeup with me by making out with me. She thought it would make me change my mind.

It was a forceful kiss. Her grip was strong and I didn't know what to do. I could've pushed her off, but the one thing that I hate most about myself stopped me. The perception of other people to me. I didn't want to hurt her by pushing her off. I hate myself for it.

(Y/n) came back from the bathroom at the worst time possible, and knowing my luck, she probably won't believe me. If I could get someone else to explain everything, I would probably have a chance at forgiveness. I seriously didn't want to mess this up and I somehow did.

Once I got home I went up to my room and sat in front of my desk, opening Minecraft on my computer. I see the world that me and (Y/n) made together. I take a deep breath and open my second world. Maybe I should try to reach out to Iwa-Chan first. Minecraft loads and I take out my phone in the meantime.

I know youre mad at me
I can explain myself

Iwa Chan😃❤️
Yes. Please explain.
(Y/n) texted me at 2AM last night telling me about how you were kissing Mayu at the school dance
Wtf Oikawa?
She asked me not to confront you, but can you just explain why?

Yes I can
Mayu is my ex and she thought it would be a good idea to kiss me
and i wish you were there so you would've beat me up
I saw everyone watching me and I didn't know what to do
I told you I couldn't change
Even for the best thing that's ever happened to me, I still failed myself and her
I hate myself for it.

Iwa Chan😃❤️
Why couldn't you have just told me sooner?
You should let her know tomorrow. It's not my place to tell her what happened
You need to make it right

Im know and I'm sorry
She won't open my messages so I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Thank you iwa

Iwa Chan😃❤️
It's fine and yw
I'm glad it was a misunderstanding
You really upset her
I'll see you tmmr
Bye oikawa

Thank you again
Bye iwa

I set down my phone and rub my eyes. This isn't as complicated as I'm making it. I don't want to bother her, so I'll just tell her in the morning. I'll make a plan.

I look back up at my computer screen and start playing, seeing that it finally loaded up. I leave my house and start mindlessly cutting down some trees. Why was she so upset? I mean, I understand why she would be offended, but why would she be so upset?

I didn't think she liked me at all. Well, I would be mad if she kissed some random guy- but I like her. She doesn't like me, so what could this mean? Do her and Mayu have some past drama or something? I go back into my house and craft a few sticks.

Does this mean that she likes me? I don't think so. I was obsessed with her but she wasn't obsessed with me was she? We've only known each other for 2 weeks but it feels like we've known each other for years. Well, we have known each other for years, but- ugh never mind. Our relationship is complicated.

I could go to the arcade, but I don't want her to get mad at me. It would be rude to go there and make it awkward for everyone there, including her. Why did things have to be this way? I just want more than anything to be with her.

It just kept getting worse.

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