《o n e》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Here is your pay for this month."

The manager slapped an old envelope in her hand, it had some dirt smudged onto it and was a little torn on the side but it's content was what mattered the most. The young girl blew away some stray hair from her sweaty forehead, her one hand holding the mop she was using to clean the floor.

She rolled her eyes at the woman whose hair resembled a burned nest, "Giving me the pay late and acting all mighty this bitch." The girl muttered, staring at the envelope. She wiped her sweat by her apron, already done with the cleaning of the floor, she went to the back of the restaurant.

Aggressively throwing the mop back where it was placed usually, she quickly teared open the envelope, expecting a raise in her salary but her hopes got severely crushed by the amount. "Fucking old bitch. How dare she cut so much from the damn salary. What a prick. I freaking hate her.I only took one leave." Oh the anger she had, she almost resembled a red tomato, with steam coming out of her small ears.

"Ugh!" She kicked the bucket, she regretted in an instant when her toe throbbed, she forgot she fell down the stairs the day before. Shoving her salary in her jeans pocket rather harshly, she went to take out the trash before her shift ended.

Two big black bags of trash in her hands, she kicked open the back door revealing an alleyway she had seen tons of times. She remembered every detail of it, even knew about the home of a mouse at the corner, she never bothered to do something about it maybe because she sympathized with the small animal. She too was living a messed up life maybe even worse than the mouse.

Just like the big grey cat of the neighbourhood was the mouse's biggest enemy, the society was her's, okay maybe her aunt was a higher level enemy, she was a formidable boss, the girl didn't have enough money to defeat her.

"Fucking ew." She mumbled, she could feel beads of sweat rolling down the back of her neck. "Why is it so damn hot?" She demanded but of course no one was there to answer. She reluctantly threw the garbage in the big metal container.

An ant managed to run over her hand, she gasp before flicking the insect away. "Dumbass ant." She cursed out, the ant wasn't at fault at all though. A snort was what caught her attention, she turned to see who dared to laugh at her but saw no one. "Oh great I'm starting to hear things now." She mumbled again.

She turned her back and saw something unexpected, more like someone unexpected. She let out a surprised shriek and stumbled backwards. "Who the hell are you!?" The words slipped out of her tongue while she stared the boy in front of her with horror mixed with confusion.

The boy laughed again, his voice sounded as if it echoed, he was weirdly brighter than the rest of the environment. Nonetheless Kang Hyeri found it extremely weird and unsettling. The white cloak that adorned his body made her even more nervous, his fluffly hair swayed with the wind she didn't know from where it was coming, so far she knew it was extremely hot in Seoul that day.

He chuckled making her gasp and cautiously take a few steps back until she thought it was a safe distance. "I said who the fuck are you?" She repeated again and the mysterious boy chuckled again, it was getting annoying for her now.

"You have a colourful vocabulary right there." He stated the obvious, "Are you some kind of a cosplayer because I am really not in the mood to deal with this shit." She swore she heard the voice of a soft bell ringing, in the blink of eye he was standing closer to her, her breath hitched, all words left her mind, she was taken aback.

"I'm your guardian angel, Kang Hyeri." He spoke, his voice smooth and it had a hint of innocence in it, he stood really close to her, she could feel a mystical aura surrounding him. "What the hell? That's some sick joke but I didn't laugh." Hyeri insisted on not believing.

Who would in their right mind believe a boy with a quirky mask and wearing an oversized cloak telling them he was their 'guardian angel'? It was absurd, the real world sure wasn't an anime, Hyeri realized this even if she dreamt of being in one. She didn't bother to act surpise as to how he knew her name because she was wearing her work ID.

"Cut the act out man, I'm too exhausted to talk." Hyeri sighed, her back ached and her eyes were close to being shut. "I'm not lying Kang Hyeri."

"Just call me Hyeri."

"I'm not lying Hyeri."

"Dude angels aren't real, get your head outta clouds." Hyeri said, the boy was rather offended, she saw his honey eyes flash through his white mask. "They are real and you are talking to one right now." He spoke up, Hyeri noticed the defensive tone.

"Then prove it."

"As you wish."

He said, she could hear the mischief in his voice, she didn't know how he would prove it but she was excited anyway. He took a step back before walking away from her towards the opening of the alleyway. She wondered what he would do, the people would surely bump into this cosplayer.

To her surpise, a woman walked right passed him, not even noticing his presence smiliarly another man didn't notice him as if he was invisible. She heard the sound of the bell again and as she blinked he disappeared. "What the!?" She yelled, her mouth agape.


"Fucking shit that was so cool!" She bursted out, she quickly turned her head to face him. He hastily stepped back as if he was avoiding her touch."How did you?" She asked, her eyes rested at the markings on his white mask that were subtly glowing, the light soon died down.

"I'm an angel that's how." The boy simply answered as if stating the obvious. Hyeri's face lit up with excitement. She felt the surge of happiness she hadn't felt in a long time, she wondered if he would actually protect her and help her.

"Can you give me money then? I mean you are my guardian angel."

"I can't, go do more jobs."


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

oh hi love ;)

Just a little warning, hyeri curses alot, it's kinda her personality. She is very hotheaded  and won't hesitate to throw a glass towards you lol but she will gradually stop cursing cuz her guardian angel will make her stop.

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