《n i n e》

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              Jeno silently walked on the pavement, his head feeling slightly dizzy due to the bright neon lights of the city. He eyes trailed from one person to another who unlike him were going towards a destination. "So many people." He spoke to himself, not worried since no one could hear him at all.

"She would find someone." He spoke again in a soft tone, his voice devoid of any hope. He shook his head as if trying to shake away the hurt feelings.  He skipped some blocks of pavement, making a random game in his mind to shove the dark thoughts away. One two three.. he recited in his head with every block he skipped until he took a big leap, crossing three blocks, his fluffly hair bounced.

"Yes!" He lifted his arms up though the feeling of accomplishment was temporary. Slowly lowering his arms and let out a deep sigh. He looked up at the sky, pointing at it as if he was accusing the big canvas, he didn't utter a word. If he did he might get yet another strike by gods.

"Did you lose your only one braincell?" Hyeri's unannounced arrival made him jump in shock before he calmed himself. "What are you doing here?" He asked trying to hide his embarrassment. "Pfft I work her dumbass." Hyeri chuckled as she pointed at the supermarket behind her. "Oh." Jeno nodded in understanding.

"Let's go back then." Hyeri said while stretching making the angel concerned at the amount of cracks that her body produced but he didn't say anything. He wordlessly placed his palm just an inch away from Hyeri's forehead, a soft light was produced from his hand. In an instant she felt as if her lost energy from all the work came back.

"Thanks dude." Hyeri said. The two started walking back to her house. Subconsciously walking at a slow pace, a comfortable silence fell between them like a warm blanket.

"Let's go see the sunset." Jeno suggested, he wanted to spend more time with her. The two went to a building that was still under construction, it seemed that the workers were on a off. They sneakily climbed up till they could easily see the huge orange ball of light ready to be sunk in the horizon for the night.

They sat on the floor carelessly, their legs dangled in air freely, eyes never leaving the raw beauty of nature displayed in front of them. Gentle breeze blew, giving tender kisses on their cheeks. Hyeri lazily pulled out her hair band before making a new pony tail to keep her frizzy hair in place. Jeno looked at her in wonder.

He wondered how can a human look like an angel. You are ethereal he thought not knowing that in the middle of his admiration he spoke that out loud.

"I know." Hyeri gave him a cheeky smirk and cockily turned her head towards the sleepy sun. Jeno lightly knocked his head, internally scolding himself for not being careful, a crimson blush slowly decorating his squishy cheeks.

The sun slowly vanished as the yellow and orange hues started to artistically blend into a spectrum of blues and purples. The stars soon shyly peaked behind the scattered cotton clouds, it was a perfect night. The time seemed to be slowing down, it was just them under the pretty night sky. The bright moon proudly shown over the bustling city just below them.

The mouth watering aroma of various street foods filled the area. It was just another typical night yet for them it was precious. Every second was meaningful.

The three special words stayed safe within their hearts, the unspoken feelings were already conveyed. A sense of familiarity rushed through them, they felt at peace. They were eachother's home.

I love you both of them recited in their minds as their eyes locked, smiles spread on their faces.

"Let's go."


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the end of the book is really near ;-;

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