《e i g h t》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

                  Jeno had never once imagined that he would be the one to stand in front of the gods, asking for the impossible. He knew it could turn into much more worse than it already was but he also knew very well that he felt something towards Hyeri he never felt before.

Even if it brought him nothing more than pain yet he still thought that it was magical.

"Lee Jeno you do realise what you are saying right now do you?" The deep voice of one of the gods boomed in the hall making the little angel shiver. "Yes." He spoke, voice on the edge of breaking but he vowed to himself to never show that he was weak, especially in the situation he was in right now.

"You want to become human?"

C-Can you hold my hand? Hyeri's fragile voice echoed in his mind, images of her sobbing flashed by his eyes, he bit his lower lip before he took a step forward. "Yes."

"I want to become human."

"Nonsense!" The goddess yelled, her gorgeous face now reflected sheer anger making Jeno cower in fear. He knew he had to stop. "That's against the law Jeno. You can't do that." The previous god spoke up again, he was still rational and hadn't yet showed a hint of anger. "But I want to be with her. I can't leave her. She needs me-" Jeno begged.

"An angel does not belong in the human world, neither can one change into a human. Your irresponsible behaviour will be punished if you don't learn from your mistakes." The god sternly answered, his hard as steel gaze made Jeno freeze where he stood. His eyes teary behind his mask.

"And you know very well what happens to a betrayer." The god lowered his voice, he was threatening Jeno. Tears escaped his eyes when he looked down in defeat, the fate of the disobeying angel was the most feared thing in heaven. "You are dismissed."


"You are dismissed."

Jeno reluctantly walked out of the sacred hall, heart heavy, his body tired. He heard a few angels whisper among themselves about his outrageous behaviour. Jeno knew very well, he got his first ever strike, his pure work already tainted a bit due to his own mistake.

He shouldn't have fallen for her.

Jeno snapped his finger, in a split of a  second he was back on earth. His floating cloak went back to hang lifelessly on his slumped shoulders. He was standing in front of her house. Wiping away the stray tears he went inside.

The sound of the famaliar bell made Hyeri jump from her seat, surprised at his sudden appearance. "Hello Hyeri!" He greeted her, his demeanour completely switched, a grin plastered on his pretty face. He titled his head in confusion when he saw Hyeri suspiciously fumble with her notebook page, tearing it and then throwing it in a bin.

"Hi Jeno." Hyeri greeted back, placing her hand on the table for support, she gave him an awkward smile. "What were you doing?" Jeno asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "Nothing." Hyeri answered, shrugging her shoulders as if she hadn't panicked a few seconds ago.

"Are you sure?"


"Would you like some tea? You must be exhausted by all the traveling." Hyeri asked him, even if being an angel he didn't really felt the need to eat or drink, Hyeri still shared her food with him. "Sure I guess." Jeno said nonchalantly. He saw Hyeri skip her way out of her room, he never saw her this chirpy.

His eyes subconsciously went to the small bin neatly placed beside her study table, filled with crumpled papers. He gave a glance at the door, making sure she won't come back. Curiosity killed the cat and Jeno swiftly grabbed the paper Hyeri tried to hide. Unfolding the ruined paper, a tiny gasp left his lips.

Hyeri drew him, though her sketching skills were mediocre, he was practically a stickman but he recognized himself by the small mask she drew. He let out a soft giggle when he saw that she drew herself beside him.

His smile slowly turned into a frown when he remembered the god's stern order. He blinked away the new tears before crumpling the paper again and  throwing it back in the bin. Hyeri soon came back with two cups filled with freshly made tea, its aroma filling the whole room.

Jeno gave her a grateful smile, he pushed back all the negativity. I should at least enjoy the time I have with her he thought to himself as he listened to her rants, until I have to leave.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

( 💧👁👄👁)
^that's hyeri when Jeno came in the room-

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