《s e v e n》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

9th august,2017

" Today we will be sharing a
heart clenching news, a
plane crashed not far
from the Seoul Airport. It was
A flight to New York. 100
Passengers were on board,
however, according to the
reporters it seems only a few
of them survived. The people
are yet to be rescued...."

              Hyeri's eyes fluttered open, she wasn't asleep, rather she was in a state of a daydream. The voices of the news reporter rang in her head, the terror from that day engulfed for a moment, the wounds she tried so hard to soothe, opened up again yet the pain was what she got used to.

It was not like she could do anything. Her parents can never be brought back, only she could go back to them and she wasn't sure if Jeno would allow her to. Going to heaven with him sounded nice, maybe she could stay with him forever, but she was sure, she belonged in hell.

Hyeri lifted her head up, she saw her study table in a mess, papers and pens littered it. She was keeping track of the money she was saving to leave the house once and for all. She still had to work harder to achieve that. It seemed that in the middle of calculating her payments she fell victim to the dark memories. She opened her phone to see the date.

It was 9th august.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, she didn't feel sleepy but felt exhausted. She was tired of everything. She stood up from her crooked chair earning a few squeaky noises from the battered fellow. Hyeri knew Jeno had been called back to heaven, he told her that one of the gods wanted to have a word with him. Hyeri didn't dare make a joke about that, she saw that he was serious or maybe even scared.

She grabbed her trusty jacket putting it over her shoulders, too tired to put her arms in the sleeves. She went down the stairs. Her aunt was there watching the TV, even if her aunt was a total asshole towards her, she was still her mother's sister. There was indeed a solemn aura surrounding her aunt.

"If you are going outside, bring bread and eggs." The woman ordered her still facing the TV. Hyeri stared at the back of her head before rolling her eyes. She went to the kitchen and tip toed to reach the top of the fridge, grabbing her aunt's wallet, she took out the money. She didn't want to use her own after all she doesn't even eat at home that much.

"You are taking money from mother." The new voice made her eye twitch in annoyance. "Not now buffalo." Hyeri spatted out, giving her a death glare. Her cousin opened her mouth to retort but Hyeri was faster.

"I'll tell her about your ugly boyfriend and how you two practically ate eachothers faces like fucking dogs."

And that was enough to shut the girl up.

Hyeri ignored her cousin's red face and went out of the the house, she heard her aunt angrily call her cousin. She might have said that too loud but she didn't give a tiny bit of care.

She quietly made her way to the nearest convenience store. The bell hung at the top of the door rang when she went inside. The manager that was sitting behind the corner greeted her warmly, she saw him as an older brother figure that she needed in her life. "Sup riri."

"Yo Taeyong." Hyeri returned his greeting. Taeyong saw that she wasn't in the mood hence he went near her and gave her a pat on the head. "What do you need?" He asked her softly. "Bread and eggs. 12 eggs." Hyeri answered. Taeyong went to grab the bread and eggs.

Soon she paid him and grabbed the shopping. Her eyes fell on the chocolate bar he was holding towards her. She gave him a confused look before he answered. "Something sweet might cheer you up." Hyeri smiled weakly at the older boy, grateful for the free chocolate. Taeyong gave her hair a last ruffle before she went out.

According to him, it felt nice ruffling her hair and Hyeri didn't question his reasoning.

Hyeri looked up the sky, it was getting dark. The particular night had no stars, no clouds decorated the sky, it was going to be a pitch black night, empty just like how she was feeling on the inside.

She aimlessly walked on the pavement until after a few minutes later she realised she reached the Han River. A popular place for many young couples, she felt alone when she saw some people sitting together, enjoying the view. Nonetheless, she sat down on the grass and stared the still water, the moon reflected on the water beautifully.

She hugged her knees and rested her chin on them. Usually she would visit her parent's grave but today she wasn't ready to see the grey stones with their name engraved on them. A stray tear finally left her hollow eyes.

She did start hearing hushed whispers and mumbles resembling to the evil spirit she encountered before, she didn't care, maybe deep down she wanted the evil spirit to swallow her as whole, not that she had anything to do in the world anyway.

The whispers stopped abruptly when the sound of bell echoed around her. She looked up and saw Jeno looking down at her with a smile. He was wearing the mask she bought him, he always kept that mask with him.

"Hello there Hyeri." He said, his voice still felt like music to her. "Did the god scold you?" Hyeri questioned, she saw Jeno's figure flinch slightly. "No." He answered. It was half truth and half lie but he couldn't get himself to tell her. He was glad she didn't ask him anymore.

He made himself comfortable on the grass beside her. The two continued to stare at the river in front of them until Hyeri broke the silence. "C-Can you hold my hand?" She asked, her voice on the brink of breaking. She felt like she was walking on thin ice that would break any second.

Jeno looked at her with guilt in his eyes. He couldn't hold her hand. His hand twitched, he wanted to hold her, he wanted to hug her but it was a law for angels to not have physical contact with a human.

If he ever broke the law, he would disappear and will be never be able to come back to human world again.

"I can't, I-I am sorry." Jeno answered, still looking at her, he saw her cry silently. "Why?" Hyeri asked. "I would disappear if I did." Jeno answered. Hyeri nodded, she didn't ask him any more, she understood what he meant. She wanted to touch him badly. She knew she had felt something towards the angel and it wasn't just a friendly attachment. It was much more.

"But you can hold my sleeve. I mean like uh that's the closest we can get and yeah. I want to hold your hand too though but-" Jeno blabbered, he stopped when he felt a tug on his long sleeve. Hyeri was holding it, she buried her head in her knees and continued to sob softly.

He let her hold his sleeve and stared at her. His eyes lined with tears, it hurt him seeing her cry. He wanted her to be happy, he just wanted her to always smile. He hated the gloomy Hyeri, he despised seeing her in this state. The god's words rang in his head.

Don't get too attached with a human Jeno, you are just a guardian angel, nothing more. Keep that in mind, I see you have grown to like her.

"I am sorry Hyeri." Jeno mumbled under his breath. "I am sorry."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

aye we crying~
we cry together~
cry punch! *random korean*

Sorry if there are any typos, I am blind af

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