《f o u r》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

            To say that Hyeri was scared would be an understatement, she was terrified, her breaths ragged as she  ran as fast as she could not daring to look behind her again.

A large horrifying creature was hot on her trail. The monster was big, with various eyes sharply looking at her and her only, it led out weird squeals and grunts while muttering some thing. Hyeri had never in her life seen such an outrageous thing. She was sure she was dreaming, this couldn't be real.

But it was real, the monster was real and was indeed planning on eating her.

"Where is Jeno when you need him!?" Hyeri yelled, her legs already at the brink of giving up, she felt her stomach lurch when she reluctantly glanced behind in hopes of losing the monster but much to her dismay it was still following her.

She let out a shriek when the monster swung its dark hand, she quickly tried to dodge it resulting in her falling to the side harshly, scraping her elbow badly, she was sure it was bleeding but she couldn't feel the pain due to adrenaline flowing through her veins. Tears ready to fall, she bit her lip before she stood up again to sprint.

Hyeri yelped when the monster suddenly appeared in front of her making her fall on her back.

Petrified, the girl couldn't let out a scream, her throat dry from all the running. Is this the end? She thought to herself, tears falling on her cheeks delicately, will I see mom and dad again? She asked herself.

The monster slowly crept towards her making her drag herself back. "Back off!" She yelled, the dark malicious creature didn't budge at all, in fact her fear made it stronger. It fed on her misery. She felt a pebble on the road near her hand, she grabbed it before throwing it at the monster with all her might.

It didn't stop the monster, instead it aggravated it even more. Hyeri was sure she was a goner. Jeno... she cried out her angel's name in her mind. Jeno please come.

She sobbed before trying to stand up again, she limped backwards her eyes couldn't leave the creature in front of her. Its skin was twitching, with multi coloured eyes stuck around its body. The sight of it made her gag.

She slowly backed away before she started running again, sharp pain in her right ankle made her shriek but she didn't stop. The monster was angry, it lunged at her with its mouth open. Hyeri turned her head, eyes widened, she saw her whole life flash by her eyes. Jeno! She cried out his name in her mind.

However a soft sound of bell rang before a boy in the white cloak came in front of her, protecting her from the monster. He placed his index finger effortlessly on the face of the monster. A brilliant light came out of his finger as the monster screamed in agony, its shrieks made Hyeri's head spin.

Jeno didn't move a muscle, he was standing still on his position while the monster cried in pain from the light that came out of his hand. His mask markings glowed beautifully. Hyeri stared at his back, he looked manly, a  feeling of admiration filled her heart as she stared at her saviour with tears in her eyes.

Jeno mumbled some words that Hyeri couldn't decipher before the blinding light increased. The monster let out the last cry before it vanished.The malicious energy from the creature couldn't fight against the angel's purity. The monster was gone, it was turned into a small feather, that shined alittle. The feather gently fell on the road before vanishing into pretty sparkles.

Jeno's mask came back to its normal state, however a small crack appeared on it that Jeno failed to notice. He sighed before turning to see if his Hyeri was fine. His heart clenched at the sight of her. She had tears stains on her red cheeks, her lips in a pout. Her hair disleveled, scratches were on her face. The blood on her elbow was now dry. Her horror struck face made him feel guilty.

He wanted to hug her desperately, keep her hidden in his arms, she looked so fragile it made his heart break.

But he couldn't hug her, let alone touch her no matter how much he wanted to.

"Are you alright Hyeri?" He asked, his tone loving, Hyeri nodded, the whole thing made her speechless. She didn't know what to say. The whole incident was over whelming.

The crack on his mask became bigger and bigger until the wooden mask broke into half surprising both him and Hyeri. The mask fell on the floor with a loud clank. Hyeri gasp as she saw his face, she was taken aback.

"You..." Hyeri tried to speak something but couldn't, the boy's face made heat creep up on her already rosy cheeks. "Oh shit!" Jeno cursed before hiding his face behind his hands, it was strange to hear an angel curse but in his defence, he wasn't ready for that. It seemed as the impact of the monster broke his mask. "You didn't see anything." Jeno said in panic.

"OH MY GOD!" Hyeri squealed before composing herself with a cough.

"You are so fucking handsome!"

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

jeno should be grateful, he lives in my mind all day for FREE  >;(

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