《t h i r t e e n》

802 72 33


⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ──────

"Oh god! I am late!"

Hyeri slipped out of the comfort of her bed, stumbling in the process of running towards her washroom. She  hurriedly shuffled out once she was done and jogged towards the kitchen, she wouldn't skip breakfast even if she was already really late, Hyeri wasn't the type to ignore food.

While eating a warm toast, the busy girl went back to her room to grab her bag. She should have set everything up the night before considering that the day's opportunity wasn't something measly to ignore but Hyeri being Hyeri she was simply lazy.

"Dang it I have to go open the suitcase." She grumbled, almost a year had passed since she moved in yet she still hadn't fully unpacked her stuff. She quickly went to drag the shabby old fellow from under the bed and opened it to find the bag she had in mind.

In the midst of her search she found a paper stucking out of the suitcase's inner pocket. Confused and curious, she plucked it out as well as grabbed the bag and wasted no time in closing the suitcase. She mentally counted the time she had left before she had to leave for the much anticipated job interview

she unfolded the paper, the writing seemed awfully familiar, when her eyes laid upon the first two letters, a smile automatically decorated her face. She became engrossed in reading the whole thing, her eyes became glossy at the end, her heart ached but she wasn't sad.

She already accepted it and was grateful for the time they had spend together, the memories were fresh in her mind and were her treasure. A secret she would always keep.

Dear Hyeri..
I am not sure when you will
read this considering that I am
hiding it in your suitcase. Pretty
dumb place to hide but in my
defence I didn't know
where to put this.

"Hey Renjun are you free?" Hyeri questioned the boy on the otherside of the phone who sighed in return, "Where to?" He questioned monotonously making Hyeri laugh, "Neo Culture Corp. I will treat you food someday." Hyeri told him, Renjun was now basically her 'driver', he always complained every time she called him to take her somehwere since she didn't want to use money too much and as a bestfriend he always ended up doing what she said. "Fine bitch."

"I will tell Yuna you curse."

"Oh shut up." Hyeri smirked before she ended the call and went out of room.

So I wrote this to tell you
a bunch of things. First of
all please don't dwell on
my disappearance. Don't give up
on life, you are free now,
you finally managed to stand
on your own feet and I am
so proud of you you know that?

Hyeri slipped into her black heels and gave herself a last look in the mirror, she went out of her now nicely decorated flat not forgetting to lock it. The not so fresh air of her neighbourhood hit her face making her scrunch her nose."Fucking pollution." She mumbled.

A small smile was constantly plastered on her face, the girl was too excited for the day.

She saw Renjun's car below as he aggressively honked, she knew he was probably cursing her out not that she cared. She happily made her way down by an elevator. "Hurry the hell up slowpoke." Renjun yelled though the window making Hyeri roll her eyes. She confidently made herself comfortable on the passenger seat.

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