《s i x》

686 63 7

[ GIFT ]

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

              The gravel crunched under her hurried footsteps. Hyeri quickly crossed the road and took the turn to the street her house was in. After the encounter with the evil spirit, Hyeri started coming home earlier, she was still scared and shuddered at the thought of meeting another one of the dark monster.

Unlocking the door, she instantly took off her sneakers before sneakily looking around to see if her aunt was in the living room. Finding no trace of the grumpy woman she let out a sigh of relief before tip toeing towards her room, taking three steps at a time she got to the upper floor. Hyeri was proud that she successfully avoided the two demons.

She silently opened her bedroom door and went inside. "Thankgod." She mumbled tiredly. She turned around only to be spooked by Jeno looking directly at her. "Oh fuck- I mean flip you scared me." Hyeri calmed her heart. Jeno grinned widely before pointing at the shopping bag she was holding.

"What did you bring?" He asked, resembling a little giggly child he gave her an excited look making her heart melt. "Not even a greeting?" Hyeri said, slightly pouting. "Oh sorry welcome back my dear Hyeri! How are you feeling?" He asked her still smiling like a baby.

"I'm feeling great!! I got the job at a supermarket, they are paying me double." Hyeri told him the good news, the angel gave her a thumbs up. Hyeri went to sit on the bed beside Jeno, still keeping a distance between the two since she didn't want to Jeno to scoot away. She still didn't know why he avoided her hugs.

Rummaging through the purple shopping bag she was holding, she told Jeno to close his eyes. Jeno was reluctant but still closed his eyes shut, wondering what she had bought for him. For all the years of him being a guardian angel of many humans, no one had ever treated Jeno like Hyeri. Hyeri acted as if they were bestfriends which made him feel warm. Making fun of her aunt, giggling at videos at night, laughing together, all of it was foreign to him but it felt nice, he felt happy.

Soon enough Jeno felt Hyeri putting something in his hands, Hyeri made sure to not touch him, she didn't wanted to get rejected again. It felt like wood, Jeno grabbed the object to feel it. Hyeri chuckled at his confused expression, if he was a human he would have just opened his eyes but he was an angel that never disobeyed her.

"You can open you eyes now." Jeno slowly opened his eyes, a small gasp left his plump lips when he saw what Hyeri gave him.

A brand new wooden mask, white in colour, it had beautiful maroon design much like his previous mask.

"Do you like it?" Hyeri asked, worried that it might not be good enough for the angel after all his previous mask was much better than her's. Jeno didn't say anything for a while, he examined the mask with bright eyes. No human ever gave him a mask, no one ever gifted him something, it was all new for him.

Though the mask was ofcourse lacking the spiritual power as it was just a normal wood piece, he wouldn't be able to make the markings glow like his old mask that was given to him by a goddess but it was special much more unique and precious than the old one because,

Hyeri was the one that gifted him the mask.

"I love it!!" Jeno broke the silence, he surpressed the urge to hug her tightly. He wasted no second in wearing the mask. The only thing that was different was the mask was half, it only covered his face till his nose and Hyeri had a reason for it.

"You look so cool!" Hyeri clapped her hands, her heart fluttered when he ruffled his hair. "It's half by the way." Jeno said while taking it off. Hyeri blushed at her reason, she cleared her throat and looked away making Jeno stare at her even more intently.



She gulped, her blush deepened, she felt her face hot. She didn't even know why she felt embarrassed.

"Because I love your smile." She quickly spoke. Hyeri slowly turned to look at his reaction and was surprised to find him as red as her. He hid his face in his hand. "W-why are you blushing!?" Hyeri asked, still flustered. "W-Why are you b-blushing?!" He retorted still hiding his face.

The two stayed glued on their positions with faces as red as strawberries trying hard to not look at eachother.

They wondered why they were embarrassed?

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