《e l e v e n》

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              Jeno fidgeted nervously resembling a frightened puppy but he clenched his fists and mustered up the courage as he boldly knocked on the shabby wooden door of the cottage. Silence was what he was greeted with making him let out a defeated sigh, he was about to turn around to leave the old woman's house until the door creaked open.

He flinched and turned around hurriedly, an old woman, only reaching his waist looked up at him. Her crescent shaped golden spectacles elegantly stood on the crook of her small nose. "What may an angel need from me?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, a pink coloured piece of cloth clenched safely in her old wrinkly hands.

"Oh um I was wondering if I can uh get a hanbok." Jeno stuttered out, he didn't know why but the short granny had a scary aura resembling a demon however she was far from being that evil being. She was just a caretaker of the village alittle further than the main halls of the Council of Gods. She had a hobby of sewing magnificent cloths for all the angels of the heaven, a very well known figure in the world of mystical beings.

"Oh of course come in come in." The old lady smiled warmly as she led the angel in her pretty little house. "I already have one with your size wait-" The woman said but got cut off by Jeno himself, "No no I don't need one for myself, it's for my....... friend? yeah friend, a girl." His own words stabbed his heart, she can never be more than my friend he sadly thought to himself.

"Oh a friend I see." The woman gave him a knowing smile that made Jeno shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other, she seemed as if she could see right through the young angel. "Can you tell me about her?" The woman asked as she fumbled with multiple ravishing Hanboks hanging neatly on a wooden stick. "She is 160 cm tall, she likes purple colour maybe uh golden as well, she likes tulip flowers, she is very pretty- sorry." Jeno stopped himself, a blush on his cheeks.

The old lady chuckled and shook her head slightly at Jeno's flustered state. young love she thought to herself before she plucked out a hanbok she decided that would suit the girl. Jeno's eyes brightened up when he saw the hanbok, he could clearly imagine Hyeri wearing it making him blush a little more. "I like it! thankyou so much." Jeno bowed, the caretaker only waved her hand to dismiss him, she had loads of new cloths to sew.

Jeno happily went out of the cottage, feeling satisfied by the cloths. He wanted her to look the best in the festival they were planning on going that night.

Since Hyeri had managed to leave her aunt's house and start living on her own and was now stable enough to survive alone with the help of some of her friends, Jeno was afraid that his time was up as well as his job. He had been helping her mentally and physically, protecting her and keeping her the company she needed during the rough time.

Now he had to go back and leave the earth, his job was now complete, he was sure Hyeri could now live happily.

But he didn't want to leave.

He wanted to stay beside her forever, his wish was something that could never be fulfilled after all laws cannot be broken without a severe consequence. And the fate of the disobeying angel was what that made even the tiny insects cower in fear.

He aggressively shook his head and lightly slapped both of his cheeks to freshen himself, now he wouldn't want to get the third strike before spending the last night with the love of his life.

He teleported back to her flat that was now a little less empty than before, with a pale peach couch and a small wooden table nicely placed in the living room. Swiftly landing on the sparkly tiles, he excitedly called out his Hyeri. "Hyeri! I got you something!" He held the hanbok closely.

Soon he heard footsteps and Hyeri emerged from her room, her hair disleveled like a birds nest, eyes puffy red and her pajama rolled up weirdly. "It better be something good cuz I was sleeping." She grumbled while she lazily walked towards him. "I got you a Hanbok for the festival. It's an end of the year festival so it's going to be grand."  Jeno told her as he handed her the lilac clothing.

Hyeri's exhaustion melted away as soon as her eyes laid upon the extravagant design. "Holy shit this is so pretty!" She exclaimed as she felt the soft fabric on the pads of her fingers, the hanbok was a gorgeous lilac colour that faded into grey as it proceeded to the bottom where there were tulips neatly embroided with a golden thread, a few tiny diamonds decorated the end of the sleeves finishing its royal look. She had never seen such a beauty before.

It really seem to be out of this world which was true.

"It must have cost a ton! oh my god." Hyeri said while placing the dress on herself, "I got it from a lady in the village in heaven so its free, she makes our dresses." Jeno explained, his heart swelled with love when he saw the girl giggling herself and scanning the hanbok.

"But still I mean I am just a human this is just I don't know too beautiful." Hyeri blabbered her eyes glued on the lilac hanbok. Jeno smiled, his eyes curled into crescent moons, as a blush yet again spread on his soft cheeks, "The dress can still not win against your beauty." His compliment made butterflies flutter in her stomach, she shyly looked up at the boy.

"You are beautiful Hyeri, I have never met a girl like you before."

He said, his voice never wavering as he gave the girl a loving gaze, anyone could easily tell he cared for her deeply. "T-Thankyou.." Hyeri mumbled, her cheeks now red like a strawberry, her heart thumped loudly as her lips curled up forming an adorable smile. She truly loved Jeno.

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I can't explain cloths for shit sorry
also two more chapters and then this book ends :b

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