《t e n》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

                Hyeri sat on her over filled suitcase to somehow manage to shut it, after a good five minutes of struggle, she finally managed to close the zip. She slid down the suitcase letting out an exhausted sigh, the suitcase was already not in a good shape after all it was her father's. The poor thing was close to being useless.

Hyeri stood up, using the wood of the bed as support as she plopped on the mattress, the bed she will no longer sleep in. She was moving, finally free from her aunt and her demonic daughter. It had been eight months since the fateful encounter with Jeno happened, she had been continuously saving money, doing multiple jobs even going as far as doing babysitting jobs and hyeri hates kids.

With the help of her trusty friend Taeyong who searched for a flat that she could afford, Hyeri was ready to step into the fresh new chapter of her life. Her birthday just passed a few days ago making her a solid twenty year old, she felt like she had officially stepped into adulthood and she didn't really know what to feel about that.

Her ears perked up at the sound of pretty bells and she saw Jeno grinning at her, his mask safe in his hand. "Are you ready?" He asked, Hyeri jumped up and gave him a thumbs up, "More than ever!" She exclaimed. Her attention turned to her phone that rang, she smiled when she saw the caller ID. "Hey bubu." She greeted, the man behind the phone chuckled at the nickname.

"You have everything right? I wanted to come pick you up myself but I gotta go to busan, sorry about that." Taeyong spoke, his voice static. "It's okay! You did more than enough. Thankyou you so much!" She bowed forgetting that Taeyong can't see her, Jeno snorted at her antics.

"Just a heads up the owner says the flat is haunted."


"Just kidding pfft, anyway take care!" Taeyong giggled mischievously making Hyeri roll her eyes at his playful nature. Hyeri ended the call and looked at Jeno who was busy making her suitcase float in the air, she wouldn't admit but she loved it when Jeno used his mystical abilities. "Let's go." Hyeri said as she made her way to her bedroom door but stopped when Jeno called her.

"Hyeri grab my sleeve." He stated, he stretched his arm towards her, Hyeri gave him a confused gaze but gently held his white sleeve, carefully avoiding to touch his hand. "Why though? Do you love me this mu-"

Her sentence was cut in the middle when in an instant she felt the room around her deform into white as she felt her stomach lurch, her body felt limp and weak while her head felt as if someone hit it mercilessly with a hammer. She felt the floor slip away beneath her feet making her heart jump in fear, she was unable to let out a shriek.

Soon she felt herself falling badly on the cold floor, her chin hitting on the icy marble making her let out a groan. Her body still felt weak as she tried to stand up, rubbing her chin in the process she shot the angel angry glares. "Atleast warn me before doing that shit idiot!" Jeno only gave her a carefree grin as if he hadn't just caused Hyeri to fall straight on the flat's floor.

"I saved you the cab money be grateful."

"Fuck you ugh my chin.."


Hyeri groaned while rubbing her throbbing chin as she walked around to observe her new home. Jeno had already seen it and checked the whole place thoroughly to get rid of the evil spirits, he knew considering Hyeri's everyday dark thoughts something might happen if he isn't there to protect her. He easily got rid of a few of the lethal monsters.

His head quickly turned to the girl who let out a quite girly scream contrast to her personality. "A fucking rat! Oh my god!" Hyeri jumped three feet in air, (though she would deny about it strongly afterwards) this sight of the emo girl Hyeri made Jeno double over laughing. "You pfft you will be living with your kind." He remarked still wheezing silently, ignoring the girl's deathly stares.

"Bitch I will throw this chair at you I swear! Get rid of it!" Hyeri screamed still running around the empty flat with a dark brown rat hot on her tail. "It just wants to be friends with you Hyeri, you are a rat as well-" Jeno let out a surprised yelp when he saw Hyeri throw the only furniture in the whole flat, a chair. He quickly teleported to avoid being hit by the wooden chair.

"I fucking hate you!"

"Stop cursing! It's gone! Okay!?" Jeno screamed when Hyeri was trying to hit him with her shoe. The two chased each other around like toddlers until after a while they both sat down on the floor panting heavily. Hyeri grumbled, agitated that she couldn't land a single hit on the angel. Jeno stared at her for a few moments before an idea clicked in his mind, his face lit up like a light bulb.

"Say there is this spirit festival happening soon." Jeno started off, Hyeri glanced at him for a second while wearing her shoe again. "Wanna come with me?" He asked, slightly nervous thinking she might not go with him. "But I am a human." Hyeri said, her attention now fully on her gaurdian angel. "Don't worry about that you will be with me so no problem." Hyeri nodded in understanding.

"So you want to go?"

"Hell yeah!" Hyeri jumped up, her tired body now refreshed by Jeno's offer, she was ecstatic and full of joy. So this is what freedom feels like she thought to herself, a grin spread on her face as she thought, I love it!

She twirled around the empty place and went to see her room. Jeno couldn't help but feel distraughted, dread slowly creeping up in his mind like a dark cloud. Soon, he won't be able to see her.

He for the first time in his life thought that he despised being an angel. A sudden sharp pain in his chest made him yelp as he staggered back and gained control of his body, he took in forced breaths to calm his alarmed heart.

"Ugh I got the second strike."

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