《t h r e e》

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"What will shall be your order sir?"

"Are you really gonna talk like that?"

Hyeri sighed as she gestured to her manager who was giving her death glares, she leaned down to the couple and whispered. "She will kill me if I speak like that to a customer Renjun." Yuna snorted before speaking, "We'll have the usual riri." Hyeri nodded before she started writing what their usual order was in her tiny notepad.

The couple were a frequent visitor of the 'Park's Grill', they had managed to become Hyeri's first ever friends after she dropped out of highschool. Her day always managed to be brighter when the two of them came to have lunch at the restaurant but it seemed like her beloved manager had caught her talking to them casually now she was keeping an eye on her much to Hyeri's annoyance.

"I can get rid of her for you." Renjun hushed his voice before continuing,"Without leaving a trace." He was surely indicating to use his gang leader authority. Hyeri decided to play along his little act just to scare Yuna. "Oh please do, I can help."

"Hey you two calm down, no killing." Yuna sternly spoke up, the other two snickered. Hyeri quickly gave them a wink before she went to give their order to the chef.

She ripped their order along with two others from her notepad and sticked them to the cupboard, "I don't wanna cook." Soobin, one of the cooks whined as he saw three more orders. "You get payed more shut up." Hyeri spoke, it wasn't an annoyed remark, it was more of a friendly teasing. "You shut up.... midget." He mumbled the last word as he went back to his stove.

"I heard that!"

"Like I care!"

Hyeri sighed, leaving the kitchen to go sit at the counter, she wouldn't want to deal with an angry Soobin, he could just smack her on the head and she would be a goner plus he was a giant. She huffed before resting her face in her palm, her eyes darted from one table to another. The costumers sure loved Soobin's cooking.

Soon she realised the lack of Jeno, she subtly looked around only to find no traces of the mystical angel. It had been two weeks since he arrived, two weeks since she had been guarded by the pretty boy. She hadn't seen his face but she knew, he would be pretty, well he was an angel after all.

Feeling a little bummed out due to his absence, she stared outside the restaurant. The sun finally thought about having mercy and today it was the clouds day to shine. The gray dark clouds were slowly enveloping the vast blue canvas above, rain was soon to fall. She wondered what Jeno was upto, he had been gone since morning.

Hyeri got attached to him in a small amount of time, she talked to him freely, gossiped a lot. She even blabbered about taking revenge on various people, though he listened to her evil plans, Jeno did try to keep her on the right track. He even scolded her when she cursed.

I kinda miss him Hyeri thought, her eyes giving a dreamy gaze to the gray sky that she could see from the window beside the counter. Soon enough, her shift ended and she couldn't be anymore happier about that. She instantly changed her uniform into her normal outfit, before leaving, she bid farewell to Soobin who was in fact the only worker she got along with in the restaurant.

Tiny droplets of rain pattered on her body, she hugged her jacket closer. Taking slow steps, she wandered on the streets not wanting to go home yet. It seemed as if she was the only one on the street as people hurriedly went inside or took shelter from the upcoming storm but Hyeri didn't care. She had an umbrella that would keep her safe from the thundering rain.

The sudden silence made shiver run down her spine as she started to walk faster. It seemed as if everyone just vanished, leaving her alone, the memories of her parents filled her mind as she let out a shaky breath.

"Sweetie we will be back after a week okay?" The woman's gentle voice rang in her ears as she hugged her mother.

"But mom I don't wanna be alone."

"You won't be alone for long, auntie seolhyun is just next door." Her father spoke up, his tone soft as he patted his daughter's head in affection.

"You guys will come back right?" The twelve year old Hyeri questioned in a small voice, "yes of course darling we will be back, it's just a business trip." Her mother answered kissing her forehead.

"Once we are back, we will have a picnic and do everything you want. Make a list while we are gone." Her dad said, a smile on his face.

"We will be back. Promise."


"Promise my ass." Hyeri mumbled, her parents never came back. The next day the dreadful news of the plane crash was displayed on the TV and there she saw a glimpse of her  parents name in the list of the people who lost their lives.

"Everyone leaves me alone anyway." Hyeri spoke bitterly as she remembered her friends from highschool that never bother to ask why did she even drop out. Her dark thoughts took a turn, "Even Jeno would leave once he is done with the job." She mumbled. Her state getting miserable as the time ticked away.

The shadows started swallowing her, she was in despire. Little did she know, her depressing thoughts were a source of energy for the dark spirits lingering around. The monsters that hid under the shadows were feeding on her anger and sadness.

Hyeri's breath hitched as she heard a low growl, her mind quickly came out of the deep hole of memories. She gulped as she felt a sinister presence behind her, it wasn't like a human.

There was something else behind her, wanting to consume her as whole.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

What is behind hyeri? ('  0 - 0)¿

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