《t w o》

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"So are you going to stick with me the whole time?" Hyeri asked the angel who had been following her to her house. She turned around to face him, it felt a little weird talking to him since he was wearing a mask, she wanted to know what he looked like. "Yes and nobody can see me other than you" The angel answered.

Hyeri nodded, it was a sudden change but she liked it, it would be nice to have a friend around. She cleared her throat before making her way towards her house door, crouching down to pick up the key hidden under a flower pot, she opened the door.

The visible change in her expression made the angel tilt his head to the side in confusion, he was told about her current condition but he didn't know it was that serious. Hyeri didn't even bother to yell 'I'm home', she silently walked passed the lounge.

"Hyeri ah!" A new voice caught his attention, he went to see who called her and there he saw a middle aged woman sitting on the couch accompanied by a girl that looked not more than three years older than Hyeri, munching snacks while watching a drama on the TV.

"What?" Hyeri spatted out, agitated by the sound of her aunt. "Did you get the pay?" The woman looked right through the angel at Hyeri who scoffed. "No." She lied, "Don't try to hide it, pay the bills, also give the rest to me." Anger bubbled up in her veins and Hyeri let out a loud sarcastic laugh before yelling.

"Why don't you ask your pathetic husband to pay them? I ain't your fucking servant!" Hyeri yelled, the angel slightly flinched at her loud tone, he was told that she was quite a hotheaded person but he wasn't used to loud people yet. "How dare you talk to mom like that?!" The girl from before retorted. "Oh you shut up buffalo I ain't talking to you jobless git-"

"Did you forget we are letting you stay here, in our house? Know your place brat." The woman from before spoke, "Oh don't forget I pay your bills!" Hyeri yelled again, her anger only seemed to increase. The angel thought he had to do something before the woman harms his Hyeri. The woman stood up, throwing the TV remort harshly, the tension was thick.

"You are just like your mother, a pathetic, insolent little brat!"

"Find some knew insults deflated balloon!"

He couldn't help but snort at the insult, Hyeri sure had some creative words under her belt. He silently went near the as said by Hyeri, the jobless git. He picked up the forgotten bowl of chips and threw at the woman and waited for the chaos to unfold.

Hyeri's cousin had horror stuck expression, she slowly stood up as the woman slowly turned back. In a split of a second the woman started scolding her daughter who was trying hard to prove herself innocent.

Hyeri stared at the two amused before giving a grin to the angel. "Aye now that's some lovely shit, keep doing it okay?" She told him making him laugh, his laugh was like music. "As you wish my dear Hyeri."

Hyeri nodded, her anger washed away. She took the chance to hurriedly run to her room. Shutting the door close she let out a  deep sigh of relief. After the long of day of work she was finally standing in her safe haven, her room. The sound of bell made her open her eyes and she saw the angel elegantly sitting on her bed.

She smiled before walking to her study table and grabbed the chair, dragging it in front of the angel to sit. "What's your name by the way?" She asked, curious about her guardian angel. His mask markings glowed a  bit before he answered, his tone excited, Hyeri found it cute.

"Jeno! My name is jeno." He told her, "Oh~ that's a cool name!" Hyeri replied, mimicking his excitement. A comfortable silence fell between them as Hyeri busied herself with her phone and Jeno was engrossed in looking around her room. It was small and didn't have much furniture but it did have her touch, anyone could tell it was her room.

"Thankyou for what you did earlier Jeno." Hyeri said while standing up, throwing her phone on the soft mattress. She suffered from a mini heartattack when her phone was about to bounce off the bed. "Well I'm your guardian angel after all, it's my job."

"Besides your aunt is really annoying."

"Annoying? She is a total witch, a toad faced witch!"

The two bursted out in snickers. Hyeri wiped out the stray tears that formed in her eyes from laughing. It felt nice to have someone to laugh with even if that someone was an angel. She was glad that only she could see Jeno, she felt special after a long time. The angel was only for her.

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Due to personal reasons I have decided to leave earth

The freaking audacity of this FREAKING MAN I HATE HIM-

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