《t w e l v e》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

           Hyeri blinked, millions of thoughts swirled in her mind as she stared at the unusual and completely out of the world sight in front of her, her mouth agape as the words of admiration never managed to slip out.

Bright yellow and orange lanterns with black markings floated freely in air creating an effect of a glowing ceiling, multiple stalls were nicely set up, offering many quirky and eccentric items as well as some quite unique food dishes. Sometimes a swarm of pretty fireflies flew passed them along with a few red gorgeous foxes. Many fun game stalls were also there, a bunch of children that had fluffly brown tails were busy catching tiny orange flying fish.

The most astonishing yet unsettling thing were the inhuman creatures that were busy enjoying the 'Grand Mystical Festival' of the year. Some had a let's just say a face that isn't quite what a human looks like, some had a few more pairs of arms, some were extremely short where as some unfortunate creatures were so tall that every ten minutes their heads bumped the lanterns and they grumbled. A few of them wore a white paper with unique symbols on their foreheads who according to Jeno were the lost spirits.

There were also people resembling human's like Jeno but Hyeri concluded they were angels.

"Here wear this." Jeno appeared before her, he held a white paper with the word 'peace' painted over it much similar to the ones that the lost spirit were wearing. "This will disguise your human scent." He whispered, his mask secured on his face. Hyeri nodded and tied the string letting the paper fall limp in front of her eyes and to her surprise she could still see without any white blob hiding her vision.

"Let's explore!" Jeno hopped before he pulled Hyeri's sleeve and the two went deeper inside the festival. "Dude this whole place is so cool!" Hyeri blurted out as she stared around wide eyed. "I know right! I always attended this festival since I was a kid! hey let's go catch a fish!" Jeno squeaked excitedly resembling a child winning a prize. The two jogged towards the stall where she saw the little kids with tails.

The owner who had wolf ears and paws gave them a small fishing net. "The one who loses has to do whatever the other says." Hyeri pointed her net at Jeno who smirked in return, "Deal."

Well the little fish were not planning on getting caught without a fight.

The two of them had to face a lot of difficulty to actually catch the sneaky little orange fish, after a whole twenty minutes of struggle Jeno managed to catch three while lady luck didn't side with Hyeri and she ended with nothing. "Stupid fish." She mumbled as she handed her fish net back, it seemed as if the creature heard her and one of the fish bumped on her head. Hyeri didn't feel anything but her pride was surely hurt.

Jeno snorted at her before he pulled her sleeve again dragging her to another game stall. The time ticked away in a blink of an eye just like a wave of the sea that doesn't touch the shore twice and the night had already engulfed the day yet the festival was still on going.

"God my legs hurt now." Hyeri whined while a strawberry cream filled bun was half way towards her mouth, she took a big bite letting out a satisfied giggle at the sweet goodness. "There are going to do fireworks soon. I know a place with a good view come on." Jeno said, he snatched her bun and took a bite earning a death glare that didn't effect him, she couldn't touch him anyway so he was safe from her wrath. Hyeri sighed before she flipped the white paper back in front of her eyes, she removed it so she could eat.

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