《f i v e》

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Okay so what was that big ass bitch that was about to kill me?"

After screaming and squealing about her angel's handsome face, Hyeri finally calmed down. Jeno still had a deep blush on his cheeks due to all the unexpected compliments from Hyeri.

"That was an evil spirit." Jeno shortly answered, there was so much more to the world of spirits and mystical beings that was invisible to a normal human, Hyeri was an exception since she was able to see them due to Jeno being her guardian. "That's it?" Hyeri replied, she thought he would explain more.

"They are vicious beings, feeding on a human's distress they gain more power. These days they have been showing up more since this world is getting a little worse, people are sadder." Jeno said. "Its best if you stay away from the dark alleys or empty buildings, that's mostly where they are found."

"What did you do to make it disappear?"

Jeno sighed, he didn't want her to get involved in his work. Knowing her she would find his job interesting, maybe too interesting. "I purified it, that's my.... job. Just stay away from abandoned places."

"Well if you hadn't yeeted your ass to god knows where I wouldn't have had this ugly scar on my precious elbow guardian. " Hyeri mocked him while gently bending her elbow, she instantly regretted when the bruise stinged. Jeno gulped, he felt guilty but then again he was only trying to help her. "I went to search for some jobs for you." He said.


"Oh! Jobs! Did you find any?" Hyeri's mood changed in a split of a second, forgetting her injured elbow she took a step near him making him conscious of her. Don't let her touch you Jeno spoke in his mind. A blush painted his cheeks again when he saw the distance between the two, he cleared his throat before taking out a small piece of paper. He made it float towards her.

Her eyes twinkled in glee when she saw some of the places that might need an extra pair of hands. She couldn't help but lean in to hug him but he instantly moved back making her stand there rejected. "I- okay yeah thankyou so much Jeno!!" She blabbered ignoring him moving back avoiding her hug, she did feel sad at that but chose to mask it, she thought maybe he didn't want to get his cloak dirty.

They continued to walk, not knowing where they were going. The thunderstorm had calmed down, it was as if Jeno purifying the evil spirit made the weather be tamed a little. The multi colours of the sunset had blended into black, the remaining grey clouds still decorated the sky, tiny stars dared to twinkle behind the clouds.

The two of them left the street where they encountered the evil spirit. Jeno simply followed Hyeri not knowing where she was going, but he knew she would go any where other than home at the moment. He saw her hiss when the breeze blew, her wound hurt slightly. He took a deep breath before breaking the silence between them. "Show me your elbow."

Hyeri gave him a confused look but showed him her elbow nonetheless. Jeno wasn't an expert at healing people, in fact he was quite bad at it as compared to his fellow angels but he couldn't stand her being hurt. He brought his hand near the wound, a  soft light emitted from his fingers, Hyeri felt her wound slowly vanishing. After a few minutes he succeeded at healing. He took a step back, feeling a little tired.

"T-Thanks." Hyeri said, she wasn't used to him using his powers. "Your welcome." He gave her a smile, his smile was one of the things Hyeri adored about him. Her breath hitched when the moon light peeked through the thick clouds and softly fell over his well defined features, he looked ethereal. She continued to give him a loving gaze not noticing the fact that he was feeling flustered.

Jeno let out a nervous chuckle before waving his hand up and down in front of her eyes to snap her out of her daze. "Earth to Hyeri." He said, "Oh sorry y-your hair was um weird yeah." Hyeri mumbled a lie, she turned her head away and started walking fast, trying to supress the presistant red blush that spread on her cheeks.

Jeno quickly played with his hair to set them, confused at Hyeri's antics. He jogged to catch up to her.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Ya'll might hate me for the end of the plot. *sweats nervously*

But then again idk what I'm doing with this story lmao

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