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Happy Sunday(: his fucking thigh tattoo

Work was.. stressful.

The only good thing about it today was that I finished early so I got to go home. But do I even want to go back there? Most likely Alex will be there to try to argue with me once more. I don't know why though? I have never done anything to upset him and here he is treating me like shit and thinking he pays the bills for the apartment. Newsflash, he doesn't.

I drove home plotting on what I will do if he is there. I'm on my way to the store so I can buy a self salad for my self, then I will go home and lock myself in Emerald's room so I can start finding places to look at. I also may need to find a real estate agent. Who knows..

In the groccery store I had to stop myself from picking up a basekt and go shopping. I just need one or two things here that I can easily carry. As I was making my way towards the vegitable section I noticed someone in particular dressed in all black.

There in front of me was Harry with a small basket filled with junk food. I kept my distance trying to be unseen and grabbed the small salad container.

"Salad aye?" I heard Harry question behind me. I turned around and raised my eye brows. "Have to keep healthy." Was my defense. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Look about the other day, uh, sorry." Harry said scratching the back of his neck. "Uh thanks. I'm sorry to.. I shouldn't have left like that-" I tried to finsih but Harry butt in once again. "I shoudn't have been such a dick to you." Harry said staring down at me.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "To get food.." Harry said like it wasn't obvious. "Right." I said awkwardly. "Is that really all what you're eating?" Harry asked staring at the small proportioned salad pack. "I guess so." I said nodding my head.

"Is that all you just eat for dinner?" I looked down at the salad. I nodded my head once again and saw Harry's eyes grow. "You need to eat more." Harry stated. I shook my head disagreeing.

"Actually maybe you just need to eat less, and maybe a little more healthier." I said staring at what was in his basket. "I'll have you know I eat just fucking fine." Harry spat. I raised my hands in surrender. "Sorry."

"Look instead of eating that sad and depressing salad you call a meal how about you come over and I'll make you something. And just for you it'll be extra healthy." Harry said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Is the food being healthy your way to bribe me?" I asked.

"Anything to get you back at my place." Harry winked. I gasped and laughed. "You remeber where I live right?" I nodded my head. "Okay well just go back home and change out of that and meet me at my place." Hary said dismissing me.

I drove back to Emerald's and Lacey's not sure what they will think of me leaving once again. I opened the door wondering if I should even tell them where I am going. I walked straight towards Emerald's room already seeing she was in there.

"Hey." I said going into her closet. I began to strip not caring if she was looking. "Cute panties." Emrald said. I turned around and saw her smirking. I smiled briefly trying to remeber which ones I was wearing. I gave up and looked down. Granny panties. That's it. I cringed wondering if I should change them or not.

"Where you going?" She asked while I slipped on an old pajama shirt. "Out." I said looking through the drawer for more attractive underwear. I'm not saying anything will happen but just in case. You could never go wrong with wearing cute panties. I changed into a pair that I knew looked like I was not trying to hard on, but I still cared for what I was wearing.

"Where to?" Emerald asked trying to get more out of me. I turned around giving up. "With Harry." I said nonchantly. "You mean the Harry who was waiting outside of the girl's bathroom, dragged you out, and left with you?" She asked. I slowly nodded my head. "Yeah that's the one."

"Lacey." She said giving me a look. "I swear Em if you try to go all Mama Bear on me I'll-" "You'll what? Go tell Jade on me? Because let's be honest here the only one Jade will be upset with is you." Emerald said.

I huffed. "Don't say anything about this to her." I deadpanned. "Lacey isn't it obvious! He is not good news for you!" "And how would you know?" I asked getting in her face. "I just have this feeling. This gut feeling,that he's bad news." Emerald said looking me in the eyes. "Well all I'm doing is having dinner with him. So you and your gut can calm the fuck down." I said.

"That's what you say every time! And what do you do? Come back and complain at how poor the sex was or how great the sex was and then a couple days later come crying to us how they don't like you." Emerald said. "And look at the way you are dressed! Obviously comfty clothes so after the big bang you can sneak away comfortably." Emerald said stepping back.

I huffed slipping on a pair of sweats and walking out. "Can't say anything back because it's true?" She asked. "I'm not going to have sex, and if you tell Jade-" I paused. I shook my head walking out. "If I tell Jade?" Emerald egged on crossing her arms. "Just don't say shit."

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