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Harry Styles Point Of View...

I mindlessly walked around the small apartment scanning everything Lacey had left here/ She texted me notifying that she'll contact me before she goes to bed because she is extremely busy on the ship and what not.

I stared at old photos that were placed on the towel cabinet looking at a photo of her and her family a couple years ago. She had to be at least fourteen in this photo showing off her brace face with her enormous dorky glasses. To be honest she was cute back then, still is to this day but she was really cute.

The thing is I don't understand why she never liked her teenage years. We've had this conversation numerous times on how she was once a obese little girl who would get teased numerous times along the lines of having only like one or two friends.

Then high school came and she decided to not care anymore and things changed. With motivation from her friends' she lost a major amount of weight and her confidence boosted but that got led onto her little naïve soul got captivated by assholes who took her innocence.

I sighed knowing she had a whole box full of photos of her and her family and to be quite honest I kind of want to know where she put them. I shook my head just deciding on going to take a short nap feeling that I'd rather be sleeping then sulking right now.

Up until six in the morning to four in the afternoon the lads were here just hanging around seeing if I'm feeling okay. I always shook it off saying I'm fine because I honestly am.

It's not the end of the world if that's what their thinking. I mean hell sure it's going to suck with her not being here but I'll get through it, even if it means by a stuffed teddy bear and dress it in her clothes and sleep with it at night.

I still cannot believe I said I loved her. I mean I know now that I for sure do love her but at first when I said it, it sort of just slipped out like my lips had their own mind of it's own. But once we began speaking I knew I said the right thing. It's simple, I love Lacey Annabelle Williams.

I slipped my boots off along with my clothes and crawled into the empty feeling queen bed.

I moved around laying on my back staring up at the ceiling. I remember just six months ago I could not fathom the thought of sleeping in the same bed as someone else. Let alone cuddle with them.

Now I crave her touch along with the feelings she gives me. When I am in Lacey's presence all I feel is bliss and nothing more. Euphoria, most definitely do I feel the euphoric feeling when I by her side let alone when I hear her name.

I sound like some love stricken freak but let's be honest here, I am one.

She showed me that I can actually love and not just love my parents. She showed me that I can have fun just sitting at home all day and only talk with them instead of getting shit faced wasted and forgetting about it the next day.

Lace has shown me many things and I hope I have shown her things.



this chapter sucks I know im sorry.  

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