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so my chapters are screwed so yeah so chap 43 is always going to go after the rest of the chapters because I do not know how to fix the problem. Also since I missed posting on Sunday I'll be doing a double update. (:

The next morning I woke up before Harry and scrambled around for my clothes. I'm not going to just hump and ditch harry but I must be on my way and hurry back home so I can get ready for work. After I slipped on my jacket I walked over towards Harry's sleeping body.

I crouched down planting a kiss on his forehead while he just groaned in tiredness.

"Why are you leaving?" He questioned groggily. I stopped mid track just trying to register out at how amazing his voice is in the morning. "I've got work." I stuttered out hurrying slipping on my old shoes. He fell back into bed and rolled around on the mattress. "How long will you be gone for?" "I think I get off at four thirty today. He nodded his head and and yawned. "Well when you're off just come back over here." I nodded my head getting up from his bed. I walked over to him again kissing him on the lips. 'I'll see you later." "Of course." He said smirking.

I walked out of his apartment and scurried over towards my car. As I was getting ready for my car to warm up I decided to check my phone. I had numerous notifications but one caught my eye. It was Jade texting me.

-I met someone.

I stared at my phone knowing I'll be talking to her later about this. Though I should be happy for her I am feeling sort of iffy about this. She just got out of a relationship with a guy who she was with for about a year and a half, hell almost two years.

If I were her I would have taken some time for myself.

I drove back to my place and stopped in my tracks to see Jade's car was parked in my usual spot. I parked my car in a different spot and walked over towards Jade's car. I peeked in to see her asleep in the back seat. I knocked on her window and waited for her to wake up.

I could see her stirring around an finally opened her eyes. She gave a small wave and unlocked the door stepping out.

"So who's this person?" I questioned. She yawned shaking her head. "There is so much I have to tell you." She said. "I've got time, sort of." "Sort of?" She questioned. "Well I've got hurry and get to work." I said unlocking my apartment door.

I walked straight towards my room and grabbed my uniform. Jade followed me around like a lost puppy. "Can I tell you now?" She questioned. I sighed nodding my head walking into my bathroom. I knew she would follow along telling me happened last night.

I stripped out of last night's clothes and Jade's eyes widened. "Well didn't you have fun last night?" She questioned. "What?" I questioned. 'Your neck- and your chest." I looked in the mirror and understood what she was talking about.

"Harry definitely claimed you as his." Jade said sitting down on the toilet seat. I shrugged, "He's supposed to right?" "I guess, it just amazes me because Alex never left that many on me." "Yeah well if you had't realized Alex is a little prick who only knows how to lead girl's on and fuck them over." She sighed, "Yeah that's true."

I got under the water and began to shampoo my hair, "So tell me who this special person is." I could hear Jade sigh and begin to speak, "He's not hot, but he is so cute. His name is Jared, one of the cutest guys I have ever met."

"Ah tell me more." I pestered on. "Jared has the biggest brown eyes that are filled with a little mischief but mostly purity. Course he's not the purest but he's not the worst." "How'd you meet him?" I questioned. "Well last night I was just done with morning at home, you know? So I just called some old friends and hung out with them in the mall and here comes Jared spilling his coffee all over himself. I tried not laugh, I swear Lade, but I just bursted out laughing and he looked over at me with embarrassment. God the first thing I thought about him was just how adorable he was."

I listened on hearing about more features about him. He sounded pretty cute, and charming. I will give it to her that she didn't purposely go out just to search for a boyfriend. Something I would probably do if I were her.

"- And when he came over and sat right next to me I almost peed on the spot right there. Of course I blushed beet red when he sat right to me and he just had to point that out. He made me laugh so much with his corny jokes. He litterly said knock knock. So I said who's there? And he goes, you're. So I asked yo're who? And guess what he says?"

I stayed silent.

"Guess!" She squealed. 'Do I have to?" "Yes now guess!" i huffed, 'Jade just tell-" "He said you're cute! Isn't that so cute!" I rolled my eyes smiling, "Jade that is so corny-" "I know!" She gushed on. I chuckled as I stepped out of the shower. Jade handled me a towel smiling like an idiot.

"You didn't even act like this when you and Alex became a thing." "Well because Alex was different, I have a good feeling about Jared. We both found out some things about each other and we both aren't looking for a relationship. He just got out of one and I just did as well." I nodded my head understadning.

I hurried slipping my unifrom on and began to put my hair up in my usual bun. I didn't bother with makeup today because I figured I wouldn't need it on. I stepped out of my room ready to go and saw Jade looking down at her phone.

"I'm guessing you and corny dude exchanged numbers?" She looked up nodding her head vigorously. "He texted me a good morning text." "Oooh." I cooed. She giggled like a little school girl and texted away. "Alright well I'm going to get going, you can stay here for as long as you want just remember to lock up." I shut the door feeling happy for Jade.

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