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"Hey you want to come to a party tonight?" Maddie questioned into the phone "Yeah sure at what time?" I questioned. "Anytime rememeber? Just look really cute tonight, like college party cute." "What in the hell is college party cute?" I asked.

"Just wear really short shorts and any type of shirt." "Why?" I perstered. "Because that's what we're all wearing and we want to get a photo with you of us all matching." I sighed but nodded. "If you insist." I mumbled hanging up.


I walked inside the frat house pulling down my shorts once more. I feel self consious with so much skin showing and so many people around. I walked further into the frat house seeing everyone sprawled out and around the couch. I lazily pushed through the clumps of people and smiled.

All my friends gasped and laughed. "Damn Lace! You look hot!" Katie yelled. I blushed looking down at the ground. Liam got up from the couch and hugged me. "Wow you look great, glad you could make it." he mumbled.

"I'm glad too." I answered back. Niall got up as well giving me a hug, "Could I get you anything? Beer, a shot-" "Beer for now." I stated. He smiled and walked away. I looked all around and my gaze stopped at Harry.

It's been three weeks since I've last seen him. Why hasn't he come by? I shook my head of those thoughts. I walked up and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said turning my side to look at him. Harry glanced over at me and gave a nod. What the hell? I eyed him curiously. "Everything alright?" I questioned. "Never better." He said getting up from the couch. My jaw dropped watching him walk away. Did I do something to offend him?

I rolled my eyes grabbing the beer can Niall sat on the cofee table for me. He proably just needs to piss that's why he walked away. I took a big gulp swallowing the foul taste of the alcohol. Beer is defineitly not something I will drink often that's for sure.

"So how've you been Lacey?" Zayn questioned. "I'm really good actually." I answered back cooly.


Everyone stood around me and cheered me on.

"Chug chug chug!"

Everyone hollered. I finshed the last of the beer through the tunnel and laughed. I looked around feeling great.

I wonder where Harry is at? I swayed walking away from the group crowding me. I need to find Harry and talk to him. Either he found Narnina while peeing or he is avoding me. I walked towards the couch but didn't see anyone recongnizable.

I walked away and went outside strolling towards the bonfire. I laughed to myself almost tripping. It was pretty chilly outside so I thank whoever set the fire up. I saw a tall built frame dressed in all black and knew who it was.

"Hey you." I said rather loudly patting Harry's back. He looked down at me and looked back up. "I said hey." I spat.

"Hi." Harry awkwardly said. I stared at him with anger. "Why haven't you came to see me?" I questioned. "I didn't know it was a mandatory thing to do." Harry said shrugging. I scoffed. "It's not.. it's just that I wanted you to see a finished product of the apartment." I said making up an excuse.

"Did you get furniture or something?" He questioned. "Yeah and I wanted you to see it." I stated. "Oh cool." He said casually. I stared up at him in shock. Who in the hell does he think he is? I walked away livid.

"Oh cool." I mimicked. I need another drink. I walked inside seeing people huddling around the bar. I walked over grabbing a shot glass as well and pouring it down my throat. I hated taking shots because of the burnig going down my throat but tonight I needed it. After three weeks of not taking to me this is how I am going to be treated? Pathetic.

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