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I hope you all like this chapter because I had a lot of fun writing it. and this is the last update for the night bye!

Harry Styles Point of View..

I began to pass papers out to the students that had entered the class. At the moment Mrs. Brown was running a little late so I asked the staff of I could borrow a key.

"Where's the old hag?" I heard Johnny question stepping foot into the class. "I'm not really sure." I said passing more papers out.

Once all the students that were here on time had all their papers I set the stack down in the back and walked up to the front of the class.

"Hey guys." I said speaking to my small crowd. "Morning Mr. Styles." Most of the students mumbled.

I awkwardly chuckled looking up at the clock. "Alright so today in Algebra-" I was cut off hearing the clicking of the heels and saw Mrs. Brown stepping inside marching her way towards me.

"Sorry I was late kids." She jumbled setting her bags down. She came close to me grabbing the sheet of paper I had in my hands and muttered in my ear, "you and I will speak after class."

I looked at her confused. I had done nothing wrong. Surely if any of the staff were outside they'd let the kids in so why was it wrong of me to do so. Is it because I'm a student teacher.

Student teacher or not I better not be getting bitched at. I mean he'll if she tries to pull a stunt on me I'll get back at her ten times harder.

I merged out of the way into the back of the class and stood my grounds. I let the queen bitch herself take over her class.

I had to be honest, if I could partner up with a different teacher I would. There is something I don't trust with Mrs. Brown.

She's just so.. Bitchy, and clingy. Not only that but that one stunt she pulled with me I have no respect for her.

And honestly I've seen so many people do some pretty awful things but I think that was the worst.

Besides that she's fucking old as well.

"Mr. Styles?" I jumped up changing my posture looking up at Mrs. Brown. "Yes?" I questioned. "How was your weekend?" She asked out loud in front of the students.

I shrugged thinking back at my weekend. How was my weekend? Lacey and I had sex on the couch while watching Pineapple Express, the next day she got a tattoo. Sunday we had brunch with Maddie and Zayn.

"It was pretty great actually." I said smiling back at the memories. Mrs. Brown gave a fake smile and turned around.

She went back to teaching and I sat in the corner zoning out once again.


It finally came to lunch and I was getting ready to walk out to get something from the little cart the old women serve food at.

"Mr. Styles-" Mrs. Brown said placing her hand on my shoulder. I spun around facing her. "We still need to talk about this morning."

I internally rolled my eyes and sat down at a desk. "Then let's talk." I said giving her permission to sit down.

She sat down across from me and blinked a few times. "Now I know you thought you were doing the right thing-" "I was only letting the kids in and helping you out." I cut in.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment and I could tell I was already ticking her off.

"Well next time, don't. They a law to where if I am fifteen minutes late then they could leave."

"Is that all?" I questioned with boredom. "No, I've noticed in class you do not pay attention-" "Mrs. Brown-" "Linda, my name is Linda."

"Oh so now we're on first name terms now?" I mocked. She stood up eyeing me.

"I don't know what your deal is but I will not stand for it." She said walking away. "Well if you haven't noticed I'm not a student of yours and I have already learned this shit so I don't need to relearn it again."

She looked away and then looked at me once again. "Why am I really here?" I asked.

She cocked an eyebrow and stood close to me.

"Do you really want to know why you are here?"

"Yes." I stated getting impatient. I'm hungry and want to call Lacey.

"You turn me on."

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