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A lot has happened in the past year. I am now a lot better, feeling stronger than ever before. Lake is taking part in a children's dance class, which I'm so happy for. She is the youngest in the group, but I don't think she minds too much. Sly and I are now engaged and are planning to get married at the end of the year. I love him so much, and I couldn't see myself happier with anybody else but him.

Shelby has been Queen of the Aether for 1 year, and she's doing so well at her job as Queen. She's already inspiring so many people and I'm so proud of her.

I finally got around to completely decorating Mystrelle, my version of Asgard, of course. Lake also unlocked most of her powers. She's very strong for somebody her age. Of course, she is 3 years old in human years, but, if I'm being honest, she's been alive for over 300 years.

The Few have been saving Roseville left and right, and I couldn't be anymore proud of us. Of course, Sly is the leader, but he accounted me as second in command, considering we are engaged.

Kala finally told the truth about why she killed Katie, Lake's real mother. Of course, I was the only person that knew out of all of us.

Katie had killed Kala's sister Abigail, and Kala had found this out a couple months before Sly and Katie's wedding.

I also learned that Katie was working for Loki, and that she was only marrying Sly so she could hypnotise him to turn on me and try to kill me.

Lily and Lake, they've become closer than ever before, they always hang out together now.

As for Loki and Silas, they're still trapped in Limbo, thank god. Yeah, they won't be getting out any time soon.

Jose and Castor have started an archery training class with the Roseville Highschool. I'm so proud of those two.

Alex has started a small side job at the library. He always did like to read.

Katz also got a side job as a builder.

Steven is the same lovable pranker that we all know. He pranked Sly just a few days ago with a confetti cannon that would explode when Sly walked into his room, but it sounded like a bomb going on. Sly was angry to say the least.

Kala and I have been working to fully decorate the outside of The Hall of Justice, make some gardens, a few waterfalls, anything you can think of.

And Sly? He's still making a lot of new suits. I'm proud of everyone.

I whiz past Sly's office window on Nolanie, making him jump and look at me from the inside of Stark tower. He scowls and gets up, going out onto the balcony. "Hello Jess" he says with a playful smirk.

I land down next to him and jump off Nolanie's back. Sly tackles me and starts to tickle me, causing me to burst out laughing.

"That teaches you to try and jumpscare me!" he laughs.

After about a minute, he lets me go and we sit inside on his office. "So, I'm guessing Lake is taking her afternoon nap?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "Nah, she went to go hang out with Lily" he says.

I raise an eyebrow, "Strange, I just saw Lily with Kala and Jose".

"Oh, Lake just left" he says.

I raise my other eyebrow, "Wait... you left her unsupervised?" I question, standing up.

"Oh, no no, Alex came and picked her up" Sly tells me, sitting me back down on the sofa. I let out a sigh of relief. Lake may not be my daughter, but she's going to be my stepdaughter soon.

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