Jess's POV (In the middle of the Night)
I open my eyes and look around, quickly realising that it's still dark outside. Why am I awake? Did something happen?
Sitting up, I look around, what would have woken me up at this time of night? Glancing to my nightstand, I see that it's going onto half 3 in the morning A sigh escapes my lips. I can't deny that it's my memories of the past that are keeping me awake. I'd be lying if I said that hasn't been happening ever since I came to this place, because it has.
Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I stand up slowly, feeling slightly stiff. Something catches my eye from the desk, a small glow, it was coming from the locked drawer, where my secret things are stored. Wait...
I walk over quietly and carefully grip the lock in my hand before putting the small key in, twisting it to the right, it popping open soon after. I pull the lock off and open the drawer. Just like I thought, the necklace that Sly gave me, it's box, it was glowing from the inside, very brightly might I add.
I pick it up shakily and open the box to see the necklace. It was faintly glowing now. I take it out and look at it in the low lighting, placing the box down.
I put it in my closed hands and hold it close to my heart. There's no way I'm getting away from my memories, I can't. I'd never forgive myself if I forgot about them. I'm going to make a plan, I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to do it and no one can stop me. Not even Loki, not even Silas, nobody.
I take a deep breath and tie it around my neck, letting it dangle down gently, just above my heart. The glow stops and just shimmers lightly. Looking in the mirror, I feel a piece of me slowly coming back. I smile and head back to bed. I clutch it in my hand and close my eyes, slowly drifting back into a good night's sleep, but still dreamless.
"Aph! It's time to wake up!". I feel somebody shaking me. I grumble and carefully open my eyes to see Katelyn standing beside my bed, shaking me. I grumble again, carefully tucking my necklace under my top so she wouldn't see it and then sit up.
"I'm up" I say, shrugging her away from me. She leaves to let me get dressed. A sigh escapes my lips. Today is the day.
I stand up and head over to my closet. I pull on some comfy clothes, which consist of a white sweater and black shorts. I decide to not brush my hair. I'm not going out, so don't really have the need to. But mind you, I didn't really need to put on another pair of clothes, I could of just sat in my pj's all day. Oh well.
I head down and get a quick snack, a single blueberry pancake, saying a quick hello to my roommates before heading back up the stairs and locking my room door. "Okay, let's do this ladies" I say quietly towards Willow and Phoenix, rubbing my hands together.
I sit down at my desk and pull out my writing bad, turning to the back few pages. I know that I can't go past whatever Loki put about or I'll get teleported back here, so how can I get through to that side of the barrier?
"Jess" Willow speaks up, "How about you go to the barrier and call on your Pegasus, she could send a message to The Few" she suggests.
I think for a second. It could work, but I don't know if I need my powers to be able to call on Nolanie, which is my Pegasus. "What if I need my powers to call Nolanie?" I ask quietly.
"I mean, it's worth a try, is it not?" Phoenix asks. I shrug, "I'll put that down as an idea, but I don't know if it'll work" I say, taking my pencil and writing that down.
I rest my head in my hand and look out the window as I think in my head. I have no idea if The Few are okay, they could be in danger and I wouldn't be able to know. I look down at my page. I only have one idea so far. Come on Jess, you're smarter than this!

Meet me Halfway (Slymau)
FanfictionJess, a teenage hero split from her true family by her Uncle. It's been almost 4 years since she's seen them and everyone she knows and loves. She must find a way back home without her powers, her friends are in danger, and they need her, but not as...