Jess's POV
I hope Shelby is okay, what did dad call her to Asgard for? I groan slightly at a grumble in my stomach, which alerts Sly. He looks back at me.
"You okay, Mi Amor?" he asks gently.
I nod slightly, "Yeah, just... a little sore" I say.
He turns to face me, kissing my forehead, "You'll be okay, I just know it" he smiles with confidence.
I smile gently back at him, keeping one arm over his shoulder. "You want anything to eat?" he asks.
I think about it for a second, I am a little hungry. "Sure" I say.
He smiles and stands up, placing Lake down on the couch beside me. I watch as he disappears into the large kitchen. I then turn my head back to the tv to watch the movie again.
Soon enough, I've finished my sandwich and now we're all sitting in silence again, just watching the movie together. My eyes catch a glimpse at something glowing behind the couch as I shuffle slightly. Pearl and Hallie saw it though. "Shelby?" Pearl speaks. She sounds shocked.
Everyone looks back after Kala pauses the movie. Sly helps me to sit up, his mouth dropped in shock. I glance back and I see my sister standing there, but there's something different about her.
She obviously had her same red hair and yellow eyes, but she now had large angel wings, an icy blue halo and a white and light blue trimmed dress. Her eyes were glowing slightly. On her head was her normal white crown, but it was a little more detailed. She was also holding a more decorated version of her Staff of Light. I was shocked.
"Sis?" I question, moving my hair away from my eyes.
She smiles at me. Tears of happiness build up into my eyes. "Y-You..." I say with a smile.
She smiles wider with softened eyes, "I earned my title as Queen of the Aether" she says, putting her hands behind her back.
In my state of excitement, I jump off the couch and try to run to Shelby, but I fall, thankfully Sly catches me. "Whoa, whoa, Jess, calm down" he says, holding me up.
I grin, embarrassed. Shelby comes over to me and I wrap my arms around her. "I'm so proud of you little sister..." I smile, tears of happiness falling down my cheeks.
"As am I" an angelic voice echoes, and a second later, I see a lady appear next to Shelby. We both look at her, immediately recognising her.
White hair, blue eyes, pale skin, gold crown and halo, white and gold angel wings, white and gold trimmed dress.
"Queen Estrella...!" Shelby and I both say, bowing down.
She chuckles, "There's no need for that" she says, helping us both to stand. Obviously, Sly is supporting my weight.
"I'm not Queen anymore" she says, looking at Shelby. She places her hands down on Shelby's shoulders, "You will be a great Queen for the Valkyrie's, I know it. And I'll always be with you if you need advice" Estrella smiles.
Shelby smiles and nods, "Thank you".
"Come on now, let's go do some flight practice" Estrella says, taking Shelby's hand and leading her outside of the Stark Tower. I look at Sly with a look of 'Come on, let's go watch'.
He nods and helps me walk outside. A few of the others come out and watch too.
3rd POV
Shelby takes a deep breath and carefully unfolds her wings. "We'll keep you low to the ground for now, just in case you fall" Estrella tells her.
Shelby nods and starts to lightly flap her wings. She takes another deep breath before jumping up, shooting her wings down for an extra boost and then stops herself in mid-air, just lightly fluttering her wings.
"Good, now, try and fly towards me" Estrella says while stepping back a little more.
Shelby takes a deep breath before slowly flying her way over to Estrella. She nearly falls but flaps her wings a little harder to keep herself airborne. She continues to make her way over, and finally, she reaches Estrella.
"Good job!" Estrella smiles.
Shelby continues to practice her flight. Obviously, she's flown before, but not with wings.
As all of this is going on, Jess sees something from the corner of her eye and looks towards it. A smile reaches her faces as she sees what's on its way. "Nolanie!" she calls out, catching Sly's attention.
He looks towards where Jess is looking, and sees the white Pegasus flying down towards them, she is also followed by Shelby's Pegasus, Buttercup. Buttercup flies and catches Shelby as she's falling while Nolanie comes over and nuzzles Jess's cheek.
"Hey girl" Jess greets her, patting the side of her neck. Lake walks up and pets Nolanie too. Jess hugs the Pegasus for a few minutes. "I missed you" she smiles.
Nolanie whinnies in response to this, nodding her head too, and wrapping a wing around Jess. Sly smiles at his girlfriend's Pegasus.
The rest of the day was spent with Shelby learning how to fly, and maybe a little of her new powers too. At the end of it all, Jess was so proud of her younger twin sister.
Sly looked into his girlfriend's eyes before giving her a little kiss on the lips. Jess kisses back with a smile, wrapping her arms around him while leaning back on Nolanie's side, who was now laying down to act as a back rest for Jess, so she wouldn't topple over as much.
Pulling away, Sly and Jess looked down at Lake who was clapping. "Mummy Jess and daddy are back together!" she cheers. Jess blushes and giggles, hugging Lake.
It was a wild day.
Well, I think this was the last chapter, ya'll! Don't worry, there will be an epilogue sometime soon. I know this one was pretty short for the final chapter, but if i'm being honest, I was running out of ideas, and I think this is a good way to end the story. Who knows, maybe there will be a book that attaches onto this in the future. Right now though, I'm working on a new story that I will post some time soon, probably not for a couple weeks though. Will let you guys know on here when that happens.
See you later!

Meet me Halfway (Slymau)
FanficJess, a teenage hero split from her true family by her Uncle. It's been almost 4 years since she's seen them and everyone she knows and loves. She must find a way back home without her powers, her friends are in danger, and they need her, but not as...