Kala's POV
When we arrived back at The Hall just under a day later, Sly immediately had Jess lie down. Nightstar had to head off since she had to get back to her daughter, Addilyn.
I picked up Lily and carried her down the stairs and towards Jess's room where Sly took Jess. Everybody was following behind me. Jose walked next to me, "Do you think Jess is okay?" he asks.
I scoff playfully, "Of course! She is Jess after all! It's just going to take a few days for her to get back to normal" I say to my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. Jose and I have been dating for a few years.
He nods, "I guess you're right" he says as we arrive.
The door was left open, so we just walked in as Sly is tucking Jess into bed. "I'm so glad that you are home and safe, Mi Amor" Sly says while helping Lake climb onto the bed.
Jess won't be staying in the Hall forever, it's just temporary, she'll probably get moved to Stark Tower tomorrow morning.
"Me too" Jess smiles weakly. Sly moves her hair out of her face. "How are you feeling? Any better?" he asks.
Jess shrugs, "Not yet. It'll probably take a few more days for my body to fully register that Willow is back" she tells him.
We all walk in, and they see us. "Hey guys" Sly says before using his telekinesis to float some chairs over for all of us to sit down. We all gratefully do. Jess shuffles in her bed. She is now wearing a nightgown instead of her everyday clothes.
"Wait, Shelby, since you and Void Shelby fused, does that make her another soul keeping you alive? Like how Grace, Sylvi and Mickey are for you?" Jess asks.
Shelby pauses, "I don't think so, hang on...".
She got silent, possibly talking to Void Shelby in her head.
When she comes back to reality, she shakes her head. "No, she's not a soul for me. She's more of another personality of me. We fused together, but that doesn't make her another soul for me. We both share the body, and we share half of the control each" Shelby explains the best she can.
"I see" Jess says, laying her head back down, but then sits right back up, hand to her mouth.
"Uh oh" Shelby says, quickly teleporting a bucket to her before tossing it to Sly who catches it and holds it out for Jess, who begins throwing up into the bucket.
"Y-Yeah... that's a side effect" Jess says while wiping her mouth.
"You should get some sleep Jess" Sly speaks.
"Please stay with me..." Jess pleads.
"Of course, sweetheart, I'll be right here" Sly answers, kissing her forehead.
"You're quite pale too, Jess" Pearl speaks up as she walks over, moving her brown hair away from her eyes, "You should drink some water" she says.
"On it" Ross answers before teleporting an empty bottle to him, and filling it with water, thanks to his water-powers, before tossing it to Sly.
Sly thanks him and opens the lid, putting it to Jess's lips. "Slow sips Jess, sloooowwww siiippsss" he says.
Jess opens her mouth slightly and sips the water slowly as requested.
Everyone sat in silence for the next 10 minutes as Sly tried to get Jess to sleep, but every time she tried, she ended up throwing up into the bucket. "Y'know what, let's move you to Stark Tower" Sly says, moving the bucket before picking up Jess, bridal style.
We all begin walking or flying to Stark Tower. When we arrive, Sly lays Jess down on the couch.
Everybody takes a seat on the couch, or on a bean bag, or even just the floor. Sly transforms back into his normal clothes, before sitting down on the floor, in front of where Jess is laid. Lake climbs into his lap and sits down, hugging him. Jess shuffles forward slightly and throws her arm over Sly's right shoulder. Sly grabs her hand, while keeping his other arm around Lake to keep her up.

Meet me Halfway (Slymau)
FanficJess, a teenage hero split from her true family by her Uncle. It's been almost 4 years since she's seen them and everyone she knows and loves. She must find a way back home without her powers, her friends are in danger, and they need her, but not as...