Jess's POV
So many thoughts run through my head as I continue to tap my pen against my desk. Four years have gone by since I came here, although, as time goes on, it doesn't help my pain to lessen. I still can't believe Loki. Why would he do this? I mean, sure, my dad always did say that Loki knew of no good, but why would he target me? I just don't understand.
My eyes glance up from my desk to see that it's raining outside. Kind of how you'd describe my mood right now. I like the rain, but it doesn't help when I'm already in a depressive mood, at least, not all the time, maybe if I go sit outside, I'll cheer up a bit. I take a deep breath, watching parts of my fringe move forward as my breath hits them.
Yeah, I'll do that...
I move my hair out of my face and spin around in my chair, standing up on my feet and beginning the short walk to my bedroom door. I don't even care that I don't have shoes on, I just need some time to calm down.
Beginning down the stairs, I see that my roommates aren't here. They must be out. Oh wait, they have work today. I'm really not thinking straight.
I swing open the front door, taking a deep breath as the cold air hits me and blows my hair lightly behind me. A smile etches at my lips, but not enough to show my true emotion.
Stepping out into the rain felt like a blessing. It hasn't rained in almost 2 weeks, and people have been happy about that. Not me though, I LOVE the rain, I can't go without it. Literally, since I have the ability to create rain, it became a favourite thing of mine.
Well, I did have the ability to create rain, if my butt-face of an uncle didn't put up a barrier around my entire body that blocks me from using any powers. It's invisible, and you can't see it, plus it's basically just an aura, so I can still do the things I like to do, even if that means I can't use my powers.
I sit down on the bottom step of the patio and watch as the rain falls from the sky, soaking my hair, skin and clothes.
I remember doing this with The Few... whenever it would rain, or at least some times, we'd sit outside with no shoes on and get drenched from head to toe. We didn't care.
Just thinking about them brings tears to my eyes... I was forced away from them, my family, my friends. I've tried time and time again to go back to them, but something is only letting me go so far before it teleports me back to this house. I don't know what to do, I can't call any of The Few from my communication bracelet because Loki put a barrier on it too. I've even tried teleporting, which is the only power that I have left that isn't stopped by the barrier, but once again, it just teleports me straight back here.
I can teleport anywhere I want within a certain radius before I get brought back here.
I hate it. I hate my life.
I bring my hands to my eyes and wipe my tears. I need to let it go. There's no way to get back, I need to face it... I'll never see them again.
"Aph!" a male voice calls out from across the street. I raise my head in surprise and look at the house across from me. I see a familiar brown haired and blue eyes male poking his head out from his doorway.
I narrow my eyebrows a little. "What are you doing out here?" he calls out, grabbing his coat then rushing over to me while pulling it on.
I shrug, "Just thinking" I say simply. I haven't told the people here about who I really am. They know me as Aphmau Phoenix, but that's not my name.
Laurence sighs, "You shouldn't be out here without a coat on, you'll get a cold! Plus, you don't have any shoes on" he points out, sitting beside me. Once again, I shrug, "I'm fine" I say. You can tell that I'm not in the mood to talk to people, except if you happen to be an idiot like Laurence.

Meet me Halfway (Slymau)
FanficJess, a teenage hero split from her true family by her Uncle. It's been almost 4 years since she's seen them and everyone she knows and loves. She must find a way back home without her powers, her friends are in danger, and they need her, but not as...