Meeting The Peculiars

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Tina's pov:

       I woke up that morning with the same I don't actually want to get out of bed. I looked at my phone which was charging in my portable charger. I took it out and turned it on hoping for a signal but then again one didn't come. I looked through my camera roll at all the pictures and laughed when I found a video of a frog screaming. The quarantine for Covid-19 really messed up my humor so I was probably laughing at this video for about a good 15 minutes. I finally got up and opened my suitcase to find my morning skincare and an outfit for the day. I picked out a black turtleneck with a grey skirt and black flats. I opened the door to find an empty hallway which I was happy about, I then started panicking because that could mean that I'm already late for breakfast. I ran to the bathroom and took a bath and after did my skincare routine the Hiram would be very proud of, I put on my clothes and brushed my hair and I was off to breakfast.

I looked at my watch which I had earlier fixed to match the times in the UK. It was 8:10 and I still didn't know the schedule but I still went downstairs. I could smell food coming from what probably was the kitchen, once I got there I found Miss Peregrine with food and a girl around 6 years old helping her. 

"Good Morning Miss Pippins," Miss Peregrine said turning around

"Um good- good morning," I said looking at my feet and not her face. 

"This here is Miss Bruntley" she said looking at the girl next to her 

"You can just call me Bronwyn," the girl said holding out her hand. She had short hair that was up to her jaw and she wore a white and red collared dress. 

I shook her hand and nodded so she knew that I understood. I just watched as the two started with the table when I finally snapped back to reality.

"I can help if you want?" I asked trying to be nice 

Miss Peregrine smiled "that's very kind of you Miss Pippins but if you really want to you can start by putting the food on the table." I did as told and started putting the pancakes in the middle of the table. 

"What's your name since I know it's not Miss" Bronwyn giggled. I looked up to see the little girl staring at me and I turned pink remembering I hadn't said my name.

"Tina's my name," I said smiling. For a lazy person like me, I was surprisingly really good with children. 

"That's a really nice name! Tina, Tina Tina" she said in a sing-songy kind of voice. 

I went back into the kitchen to finish putting the food out and once I was done I remembered that I forgot to brush my teeth, I'm a literal idiot. I went upstairs and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and I headed to the bathroom because where else am I supposed to brush my teeth. After I was done and head back downstairs to find the breakfast table full which made me go right back out because I didn't have the social capabilities to talk to so many people. Miss Peregrine saw me though and thankfully introduced me so I didn't have to do one of those stupid icebreaker things. 

"Everyone this is Tina Pippins," she said bringing me back in "she is going to be staying with us until further notice." I smiled and waved as I could feel my face heat up and my cheeks go pink again. Miss Peregrine sat back down at the head of the table which left one seat left next to Bronwyn and Horace. I took the seat since I had already met both of them and just awkwardly smiled at everyone else. I was immediately bombarded with questions about the modern world and myself which scared me a bit. 

"Children! We do not bombard our guests with such questions. Now if everyone could please introduce themselves and their peculiarity." She said raising her voice a bit which got everyone's attention.

Everyone went in a circle starting with Horace at then ending with Bronwyn. Horace of course had dreams of the future, Hugh was a boy with bee's in his stomach, Fiona was a girl who could make plants grow, Miss Peregrine is a ymbryne which can manipulate time and turn into a bird, Emma was a girl who could control air, Olive was a girl who could light fire with her hands, The twins were just as mysterious as they looked since they didn't talk, Millard was a boy who was completely invisible, and Claire was a cute girl with a mouth in the back of her head. I of course wasn't going to remember it all since I have an awful memory and a brain that is just filled with daydreams. There was one boy who just rolled his eyes and walked out once it was his turn and to everyone else, it seemed normal. I just went along with it because if he didn't like me that was okay, most people don't seem to like me anyway. 

After Breakfast

        I was immediately rushed out into the backyard by Emma who took me by the shoulders and started explaining everything. I wasn't really listening though since it was all boring. 

"What's your peculiarity?" Was the question that put me back into reality

"Um uh, Manipu- Weather manipulation," I said putting a hand behind my neck hoping she didn't know I wasn't listening.

"That's amazing!" She said wide-eyed and excited. I was a little scared of her excitement but I just went along with it. She was called by Olive to do something so I was left alone in the garden. 

I noticed that under a tree the boy who had walked out was doing something with clay. I thought he was making statues which I loved to do so I decided to head over and catch his name. 

"Hi," I said with an awkward wave "I didn't catch your name earlier so I just came over to you know get to know the people I'm going to live with," I said with a chuckle. "Just to make sure you guys aren't murderers, am I right?" I said laughing awkwardly. He didn't do anything so I just guessed that he probably didn't like new people much. I didn't want to start beef so I just clapped my hands together and stood there

"Okay then! Well goodbye, I'm going to be in my room if you want to say hi- actually don't come in my room." I said putting a finger on my chin "maybe at dinner you can say hi or actually-" I didn't even say bye I just walked back to my room talking to myself.  I started thinking about what decorations I was going to put in my room which honestly made me forget about that grumpy boy under the tree.

Enoch's pov:

       I watched Tina as she walked away mumbling to herself. She was pretty weird and awkward, I mean that was easy to tell. She was also nothing like the rest of us since she seemed so modern. At breakfast, she seemed very distant as if she wasn't paying attention to anyone's names. She didn't seem bothered by anyone either as if she had done this a million times before. I could still her mumbling from where I was but it was hard to understand. I wasn't planning on saying hi to her anytime soon so I just returned to my homunculus. 

I kept building until I finally finished my creation. I found a mouse heart in my pocket and I put it in the clay figure. It started heading in the direction that Tina had gone it and I immediately grabbed it and put it back in its place, it kept going in that direction though and I didn't understand why. I was focused on keeping the clay figure in place, well that was until I was interrupted by a voice with nobody.

"Got a crush Enoch?" chuckled a voice

"Oh piss off Millard" 

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