It takes time

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A/n: this is just a fill-in chapter where Enoch and Tina kind of bond and cuddle with each other. It also takes place a few weeks later from the last chapter

Third-person pov:

The sun shined through the window and her pen fell to the floor, making a small sound when it hit the floor. Tina sighed as she picked up the pen and continued writing in her journal. The room was filled with books with just a few couches and tables. Tina sat on a white couch with tea and biscuits, or that's what they called them. Horace and Olive offered her some and of course, she accepted.

The journal lay open with a title and little stickers around the pictures of a boy. Tina always worked on her bullet journal alone, she always felt that the others wouldn't understand. The boy had a pale complexion and dark hair, the boy didn't smile. Tina began to work on drawing a picture of her and Enoch at the beach. She loved the beach, the way it shined, and how the waves crashed. It was also the place where they fell down the hole, the hole of happiness, curiosity, anger, and sadness.

Tina stared at the boy on the page and flipped back to reminisce on her recent crushes. The first was Draco Malfoy, well if he were ever to come to the loop Tina might have to leave Enoch. The next was Spider-Man. It wasn't a big deal but Tina did think he was attractive. She flipped the pages and cringed at what she had written down for everyone. Her personal favorite was Levi from Attack On Titans. She liked the way she had designed the page, her soft hands rubbing the stickers and pictures on it. 

The door slightly opened and Enoch watched as Tina admired and cringed at each page. He walked towards the couch as quietly as he could, his eyes still on her. He sits down and Tina looks up with a smile. Enoch loved her smile, her bright teeth, and the way her eyes closed as she looked up. 

He grabbed a biscuit and Tina smiled and she tried to get it back. She tried to grab it but her hand made contact with his cheek instead. Tina stopped and bent down as she knew his anger issues might take over. Enoch spit out the biscuit and yelled at Tina


Tina looked down, her face turned red and she wished she hadn't tried to take away the biscuit. This was another moment of embarrassment for her list. Enoch rubbed his cheek but once he saw the shaking girl his face calmed and his eyes showed worry. Enoch knew he had anger issues but he didn't want to accept the fact. 

Enoch rubbed Tina's back and she looked up at the boy, his eyes looking into hers.  She returned to her sitting position and stared at the journal that lay on the cold floor. They sat in silence, Enoch finally put his arm around the girl and kissed her on the cheek. Tina went red and hesitated into giving in to the hug. 

The silence in the room was unbearable and he couldn't take it any longer. The boy opened his mouth but only silence came out. Tina continued to stare at the floor until she gave in and rested her head on his shoulder. The blanket that once was tightened around Tina was now around the both of them. Tina finally lays down on his lap and Enoch rubs her head softly, her brown soft hair becoming a mess. 

"I hope one day Enoch...I hope one day you can trust me" Tina gulped, her eyes still on the floor. Enoch's eyes widened and he rolled his eyes.

"And what do you mean by that?" He grumbled

"I hope that I can see that light in your eyes that Miss Peregrine always talks about. When you would smile and laugh as if nothing bad could ever happen. Even though you yell and throw things at me when your mad I still- I still love you lemon boy" 

Enoch could feel a lump and he stared and the girl on top of him. She finally turned around and smiled with a biscuit in her mouth. Enoch couldn't help but let a small one get to his lips. He shakes his head and looks away

"You're joking, right?" Enoch asked with the same small smile

Tina looked at him with a straight face as she ate the biscuit. She never responded, she just stared and stared. Enoch could feel her eyes and he looked back at the girl, his girl.

Tina finally let go and began to collect her things. Enoch sat flabbergasted at what he had just gone through. He hadn't expected her to get so angry with him, especially over a toilet seat. He watched as she walked toward the door, swaying her hips as she walked. He smiled and followed her out of the room. The door softly closing behind them. The door to Enoch's room opening.

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