On the shore

767 19 1

Third-Person pov:

"I think dinner was scrumptious" whispered a girl

"Of course you did" whispered back a boy

The night was dark and not a star could be seen in the sky. A grey fog covered the moon and Tina lay her head on Enoch's shoulder. The world didn't seem to slow down like most couples would have thought at this moment, time was normal but with an odd scent in the air.  Tina looked over at Enoch and smiled. She never thought that she would ever have such a romantic moment. Though she felt that this love might not last. There are three different types of love that you experience in life. And here, she was experiencing the first, young love. Young love was chaotic and scary but she liked it, in fact, she loved the feeling of it. Though Enoch was technically a grouchy old man, and his personality didn't differ, she felt that somewhere he might be young at heart just like she was. She could say that about all the peculiar children. This new home that she had been given was in fact not the torture room that she expected but a small home far away from the troubles of the world.

Tina had never had an interesting life. She spent most of her time on TikTok and reading books that made her question life entirely. Such as Six Of Crows, which really just made her gay. And now here she was experiencing a romantic moment that you could only find in those books. It seemed rare that someone could ever experience this in real life, and here she was. Tina had only experienced a few crushes such as a girl in her 7th-grade biology class, a boy in her kindergarten class, and a random boy she found at Starbucks. 

Enoch on the other hand had never had an interest in love. Though he did find a few girls attractive here and there. After his mother died all love was lost for Enoch. His father had never treated him kindly and because of his parent's job, he didn't have many friends. Enoch knew he was fairly attractive and he knew that's what most girls loved him for, his personality was rather boring and it didn't attract many acquaintances. He learned to accept the fact that this was the reason he couldn't fall in love. All the girls were prim and proper and it rather annoyed him how they skipped and smiled from afar. Though when he met Tina, she seemed like a creature from outer space. She was from the year 2020 which is practically the same.

It was a painful journey for Enoch to learn that he had feelings for this creature. But soon after he accepted this fact. Now she was his dearest creature. He smiled at the girl on his shoulder and he turned his head back to the children's home. Miss Peregrines' light was on. They were going to get a lecture once they got back.

Tina's soft voice began to sing a song that she had on her playlist. One that made her feel how she felt in the moment with Enoch. "Honey, I belong, with you, only you, babyOnly you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you, babe. Only you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you." Her voice faded away and Enoch's hand picked up his cup and drank the red fruity liquid inside. He began to hum the tune again. 

Until then, the couple sat enjoying some juice while on the edge of a cliff with an endless fall to the sea. 

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