Modern people are weird

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                                                                              That night 

Enoch's pov:

I lay spread out on my bed staring at the ceiling. I felt nothing at moment. Except for one little thing, curiosity. My mind kept reverting to Tina and the way she acted. She was different from the rest of us but at the same time, she was the same. Well the only thing she had in common with us was that she was peculiar. She had only been here two or three days, I don't remember and she already isolates herself. I mean I now know why since we had a pretty deep conversation earlier. I felt connected with her in the way that we both like to be alone. She's just a silly girl though who doesn't even know how to use her peculiarity. 

She's always talking about modern things even though Miss Peregrine asks her not to bring them up. She also doesn't mind when I'm rude to her or when I'm sarcastic. She seems to enjoy it. She's always off in her head as well, reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. She always talks to herself as if there was no one else to talk to. She doesn't really like talking about boys with Emma and Olive. She also doesn't really like playing sports. She loves to read but I can tell she gets bored with Millard. She seems bored of the loop already, bored of all of us. 

During dinner, she doesn't talk much and she eats very little. Miss peregrine asked her if she didn't like it, she said she didn't like the carrots because they were bland and that the chicken needed more spices. We were shocked at how straightforward she was since everyone liked Miss Peregrines' cooking. She looked back down and kept eating and picking at the food whilst everyone stared at her. She didn't even seem to notice. Miss peregrine nodded her head and continued eating, I could tell she felt bad that her food "wasn't enough" for our guest. Tina finally noticed and reassured Miss peregrine that her cooking is great and that a little negative feedback shouldn't stop her. She seemed pretty clueless yet wise at the same time.

She always talks about a musical called "Hamilton." It's about one of America's founding fathers. Apparently, someone who played in the show named Daveed Diggs is her dream man. When I overheard her say this I could feel a jab in my heart, I didn't let it get the best of me though. I started wondering why I was thinking of her so much I mean modern people are weird-

I sat up to a quiet knock on my door. I didn't answer to pretend I was sleeping. The knocks just kept getting louder until I heard a familiar quiet voice.

"Tree Boy?" I sighed at the voice I didn't want to hear. It was Tina's. 

"What do you want Tina?" I said with a groggy voice.

"I-I have um a bit of a problem with um my be-bedroom." I forgot to mention that this girl had a bit of a stutter. I turned red at the thought of her bedroom. I erased the thoughts and replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Why don't you got get Emma or somethin like that"

"They were sleeping"

"So was I"

"Oh- I'm sorry then I'll just get going. Goodbye tree boy- wait I'm sorry um goodnight E-Enoch" I could hear her whispering to herself as he left my door. I immediately got up for no reason and opened the door to head upstairs. I don't know why I wanted to follow her, I just did. It got colder the more I went upstairs and I know we didn't have the windows open. That when I saw it, that when I saw her. She looked up crying and standing in front of her room which had snow and wind coming out of it.

"I accidentally started a snowstorm in my room and I don't know how to stop it." She silently chuckled out. 

I stood there in shock as the snow kept building up in her room. I walked closer to her and then I was finally in front of her room. It looked practically like winter in there. Snow everywhere, cold wind, frosty feelings. But I could feel something else, a warmth and that when I looked at her. She was standing close to me with her palms glowing like Olives when she heats things up. 

"I tried melting it but it was too much. I believe it might be in my head"

"What's in your head?" I practically screamed whispered

"The snowstorm of course!"

"Then stop it-"

"Oh, bird! What happened here!"

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