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a/n: gets a bit touchy but no smut lolzies

Third Person POV: 

Enoch closed the door and stared as Tina began admiring the creations that lay around him. Tina's hand was gliding over a heart when Enoch turned around and planted his lips on hers. Tina softened her self and she let herself fall into his arms. To others, Enoch never seemed like a touchy person but in reality, he was. The little kisses and hands around the waist, the soft hands touching yours in sweet little moments.

Tina turned around only to be met by a pair of soft lips on her small ones. A flutter made itself known in Tina's stomach and a smile came upon her face. Enoch lifted his fingers and placed them softly under her chin, lifting her head up. His other hand made its way behind her back, pushing her in closer, Tina willingly letting him do what he wanted. 

Tina opened her eyes a few times, taking little peeks at the boy in front of her. His eyes were closed and his dark brown hair was ruffled a bit from the library. She closed her eyes again only to be sat on the bed by Enoch. Their lips parted and their eyes opened, Tina's wider then they usually are. Their warm breath filled the space around them, although the kiss was a shock it was also inviting. The two teens looked at each other with eyes that said little, to them that little meant a lot. Tina took a deep breath and kissed Enoch again, her hand holding his head.

It felt as if Miss Peregrine had stopped time, stopped it just for them. The house went quiet and only their giggles could be heard. 

Stopping time during a kiss was to cliche for Tina though. It's been used in almost every book she read. Time didn't stop, it still went on and she knew it. Their kiss didn't stop time but it felt like the world had no eyes in them. That's why it seemed as if the world stopped.

Enoch's hands slowly made their way behind her back again and he pulled her closer.  He never had a lover and he never planned to really have one. There were of course a few girls he fancied but he never bothered to take them out to dinner.

Of course, oxygen was still needed so after a while they finally let go. Breathing hard as they tried to catch their breaths. Due to Tina's immaturity, she began to laugh and Enoch smiled as she fell on the bed. They stayed in silence, a comfortable silence. A knock at the door broke the silence and the couple's head turned to the door.

Miss Peregrine stood with her arms crossed and her shoulder against the door frame. A judgmental look was placed upon her face and a teen smoke emerged from her pipe when she removed it from her mouth. She shook her head and stood up straight again. Tina's face was red but Enoch stayed the same. He'd been caught by Miss Peregrine many times, doing things he wasn't supposed to.

"I would like you two to come to help Emma and I prepare dinner" Miss Peregrine stated as she clasped her hands together. She began to walk off but before being out of sight she returned to the door and stared intently at the two teens.

"And please refrain from doing that in the house ever again. I don't know how far you have..gotten" at this sentence Tina could feel herself vomit in her mouth 

"That's disgusting Miss Peregrine" Tina replied, Enoch, shook his head in  agreement 

"Very well then," Miss Peregrine said. She nodded and headed back upstairs

The two teens laughed as they played their way up to the dining room.

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