A Secret

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Third-Person pov: 

Throughout the following months, Tina and Enoch barely spoke to each other. Enoch had given up on his dream of going with the glamorous girl in front of him. At night he would dream of them spending nights together or hanging out under the tree. Tina on the other hand tried her best to ignore the feelings that had been growing inside her. Tina never spoke or thought of love, she only did with fictional characters. She had even bought a book on shifting just so she could make her dreams come true. It never ended up working though.

It was clear to Emma that something had happened between them and she tried to get Tina to speak up. Tina always avoided the question, even when Emma confronted her about it. Emma tried her luck with Enoch but he just shut the door in her face. Emma began to think that she was never good at love, I mean she did lose Abe to an American. Emma would sneak out at night and take trips out on the ocean. She would stare at the sky and hum a little tune, her favorite was dream a little dream of me. She imagined her and Abe dancing at a diner late at night. The cars were beeping and they were surrounded by other couples while dancing. She would smile until she hit a rock, her point to not go too far, and she would head back knowing that her dream would never happen, that Abe would never come back.

Enoch stared at his wall, he could hear the clicks of his clock on the wall. He had tried to hide his feelings for Tina, he tried to put them away in the beginning. He tried to give up on the dream of being with Tina. They grew too strong and he couldn't take it anymore, he needed her. Enoch hated love ever since he watched Emma get heartbroken. Once she ran off on her boat and Miss Peregrine had to find her in her bird form. He got up and took the doll he had made for Tina. He grabbed his hearts and went upstairs to Tina's room. Only his surprise, she wasn't there. 

Tina sat on the cliff with her knees under her head. Next to her sat the last book to the Harry Potter Series and a picnic basket. She watched as the night was silent and the waves were calm. The calm and kind energy made her jealous, jealous that this energy wasn't happening in her life. Her hair flew in the wind and her white nightgown barely touched her feet. Her eyebrows furrowed and she slammed her fist onto the ground, her brown eyes turning a bit blue. The thunder roared in the sky and rain began to fall. Her once dry brown hair was beginning to turn wet and dark by every second. 

Enoch heard the thunder and saw the lightning flash in the sky. He knew that Tina was angry and he knew where she was. He ran outside through the back door since he knew Miss Peregrine would be going after Tina in a few minutes. Once he got outside his pj's were soaked and his hair was a mess. He tried to cover the doll and he ran towards the ocean. He watched as the waves crashed into each other and how the moonlight made the water sparkled. He felt the wet rocks at his feet and that's when he saw her. He watched as the girl put a book in a picnic basket and how her white nightgown tightened at her curves. He took a breath and yelled at Tina for causing such chaos. Tina flinched and her eyes went wide once she saw Enoch.

In Tina's mind, everything seemed like a teen rom-com. The two love interests finally noticed their love. Tina felt her heart flutter as she saw what Enoch had in his hands, it was a doll of her. He walked towards her with a straight face and he spoke with a monotone voice. The rain still pouring and the waves still making noise.

"I hope you like it," Enoch said as he inserted a heart into the doll.

 He whispered into its ear and it walked down his arm to Tina. It pulled her closer and the two were almost mouth to mouth and Tina shook her head. Enoch's face went dark and the doll kissed Enoch's cheek. Tina began to stutter and her face went red. Enoch didn't smile but there was a light in his eyes

"Even in sad times Miss Pippins, you are still my light," Enoch said as the doll cuddled into his chest. Tina laughed as she punched him on the arm.

"This isn't a cheesy rom-com lemon boy," Tina said as she looked at her bare feet. 

"I do not know what that is but I bet we are acting such a scene and you are just denying it," Enoch said as he rolled his eyes. The thunder roared once again.

Tina laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. One that both had them been wanting for a while, even though both of them didn't want to admit it. The kiss lasted for eternity and the rain poured down their faces. The waves seemed to finally go silent and everything was calm, everything was right. They pulled away and Enoch kept his straight face, love in his eyes now.

"Enoch-" Tina began, the boy got worried and he grabbed her hand.

"I-I just-" Tina said

"You what?" Enoch said with a defensive tone.

"I- I just wanted to know if we could keep this a secret, well..for now" Tina said with a soft smile as she looked up at him

"Of course," Enoch said in reply and he grabbed her hand, leading her back to the house. 

Tina let go for a second and she grabbed her picnic basket. They were holding hands and they ran back to the house. On their way there they bumped into an angry and worried Miss Peregrine. She stopped them both and stared at them with death in her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and her hair tied up with curlers, her makeup off and her nightgown reaching her feet.

"Dear bird you too...YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" The headmistress yelled 

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