I ship it

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Tina's pov:

I've been observing these people so far and I practically know all of their secrets. I'm just kidding! I have no idea about these people's lives! Well, I do know one person's secret, Olives. She fancies Enoch...Ha! I knew it! I remember finding out and I 100% ship it.

One night ago

Emma, Olive, and I sat in my room playing spill or drink. We played with the juice of course even though we could have taken miss peregrines wine. I hadn't drunk anything since the questions they asked were pretty stupid and boring. I decided to go with a basic question for Olive.

"Who do you fancy?" We both stared at Olive as she put down her drink. We got excited since she was going to tell us. 

"I guess it's time to tell you guys...." we waited patiently for her to continue "Enoch."

"WHAT!" Screamed Emma 

"YAY," I said, a completely different reaction from Emma's 

 Emma looked at me with a confused look when I said yay, so did Olive. I ended up going on a rant on how good they would look together. Olive smiled and got up to start cleaning up while Emma pulled me aside.

"Are you crazy?" Emma said as her grip tightened around my wrist 

"What? Are you jealous?" I replied with sass

"What- no! I mean don't you see? They don't belong together!" I gasped at such a statement 

"Ummmmm why would you say that Emma, that's incredibly rude. Is it because of Abe?" I said crossing my arms. Her eyes widened and she looked mad 

"NO! Don't- just don't bring up Abe. I mean don't you see Tina... Enoch doesn't like her" she said with a quiet yet gloomy voice. It was clear she didn't want Olive to get hurt 

I stood there in quiet as I thought about Olive and Enoch's interactions. I couldn't really remember but to be honest, Enoch acted the same with everyone. Maybe, I thought to myself, we could make Enoch like Olive. I smiled at the idea.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Emma asked with a worried look on her face.

"We can make them like each other!" I jumped in the air and started clapping. Emma rested her face, she started looking angrier every second.

"No Tina you aren't understanding, Enoch likes someone else." I stopped smiling as I could feel my heart fall from its place to my feet. 

"Who?" I asked looking back at Olive who was folding the blankets. She looked at me as if I was stupid. 

"Are you serious right now?" She asked

"Yes.... you know what I don't need your opinion. I'm going to play Cupid myself" I huffed 

"Tina no you don't-" 

"Nope I'm going to make this work," I said 

A/n: most chapters I've decided are going to be short or like little scenes of them and things that have happened. If you know what I mean good if you don't ok.

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