What a clueless girl

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Miss Peregrine's POV:

I stood in the middle of the hallway seeing Enoch and Tina in front of her room. I felt a chill while reading and I decided to go check it out. Making sure I didn't leave any windows open. When I opened the door I could see a faint light from Tina's room, that's when I saw the snow. 

"Tina what happened!" I said now standing in front of her room

"Uh-I kind of um"

"She set off an accidental snowstorm in her room," Enoch said in reply.

"Oh my!" I responded.  "Can you stop it, Tina?" I asked softly. She paused and looked down at her feet 

"No...." she said as if she was ashamed of herself. 

"That alright," I said I got closer. She seemed scared as if I were going to punish her for this mistake. I looked up at Enoch who was staring at her with eyes of sympathy. I told him he could go but he refused. I nodded my head and bent down to Tina's level looking her in the eye.

I helped Tina gain control of her peculiarity again and we finally cleaned up all the snow that we could. Most of Tina's room was soaked and she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep in it. Through the entire cleanup though I could see Enoch eyeing Tina and watching the way she worked. I was shocked when he didn't leave because most of the time Enoch refused to do chores, for some reason he stayed. 

Tina on the other hand didn't seem to notice that Enoch was staring at her. She seemed to be in her own world as she cleaned up everything. She hummed an unfamiliar tune that most likely was modern world music. Once we were done she just stared at me as if she was looking at my soul.

"Is everything alright Tina?" I asked, she giggled and then  replied "you have snow on you, Miss Peregrine." I touched my hair to feel it wet with a few snowflakes on it from the ceiling. 

"Here let me get it for you." She grabbed a stool and stood on it as she picked at my hair. She didn't wait for an answer from me, she just did it. I watched as she individually took the snow that she could take off, off my head. She then flattened my hair with both hands to dissolve the rest I would suppose. That when I could feel a warmth on my head, she was drying my hair. Once she was done she got off the stool and put it back. I could see Enoch from the corner of my eye and he did not look happy. He seemed mad as if I was taking something away from him.

He was jealous.

But wasn't he always jealous of something? 

No, he was jealous of me, he stared at me with rage.

Tina didn't notice

Why didn't she?


Enoch might 

Oh my

Tina definitely has something coming for her

Don't I know it 

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