I don't get it

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A week later

Tina's pov:

I sat in the library alone reading a book. Most of the time I would read here with Horace and Millard, I don't currently know where they are. It got pretty boring since it was just all the same books. I spent most of my time outside or in the library working on projects. Miss Peregrine said I reminded her of someone, I don't know who though.

The door burst open and before I could see who it was I was pushed into another room. I finally looked up and saw Emma who looked enraged. She paced around the room with her hands on her head. I didn't understand why she looked so angry.

She finally looked at me and saw my confusion, her face softened. She grabbed my hands and told me something that pained me deeply

"Draco Malfoy is not real, you need to stop obsessing over him"

I backed up and put a hand over my mouth, I was shocked. I pointed my finger and told her that she wasn't real. She crossed her arms and proved her point. We went back and forth until she finally got to what she wanted to say.

"Why don't you see it?" She said

"See what?"

"That Enoch fancies you!" I gasped and looked down since it was wrong for him to like me, he was with Olive. I could never break her little heart.

"Oh don't look like that! You set them up, you got them together, even if he didn't have interest in her. Take this chance at love Tina! And please stop obsessing over a stupid wizard boy."

"He's not stupid!" I yelled, I was angry at her for trying to break them up. They were so cute and I loved them together. I would forever imagine being married to Draco Malfoy though.

"I may not be good with romance Tina but it's so painfully easy to see"

"Well if it's so painfully easy to see, why haven't I seen it?" I said crossing my arms

"BECAUSE YOUR BLOODY CLUELESS" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Miss Peregrine barged into the room with a serious face. She had her pipe at the edge of her mouth and she leaned at the door.

"Is everything alright in here?" She said with her raspy voice

"Everything's fine Miss P...Emma's just being a dingbat, she's just jealous she lost Abe. She just thinks-she just." All I could do was throw a flower on her nightstand on the floor and barge out while almost knocking over Miss Peregrine. I was near the end of the stairs when I yelled "go catch a stupid squirrel, Emma!"

I turned around and opened the door to the bathroom. There I found Enoch against the sink crying. 

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