LEVEL TWO-Enuma deis

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Cole's scar itched again. He was really pissed this time. The world quest had started and he still had no answers. Just more questions. Always questions.

He hated questions.

Questions led to more questions, and answers were needed for thise questions, but when there are no answers you have one thing; more questions!

Cole opened up another can of beer and chugged it in five gulps.
He hated the stuff, but for some reason his title *DRUNKEN MASTER* used alcohol as a basis for strength. Amd where he was going, hell, he'd need all he could gather.

Andrew had called him and told him that Maggie wanted to meet up. That could only mean two things: she had found the source of the gameverse issue, or she was about to die.

Praying it was the former, Cole pushed himself up and walked to his Camaro. Selecting the open door option, he sat in the driveway waiting for his cousin.

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Andrew jogged up to the car and hit the roof.

" Yo homeboy! Lets gooo!! I got training to do."

Cole chuckled. "You havent seen me in almost a year and you forget I'm older than you ya cheapskate!"

Andrew hopped into the passenger seat and buckled up. Choosing to keep cole smiling was a life choice, and he decided to try this time.

Andrew pulled an old MP3 player out of his inventory and hooked it up to the cars audio jack. Scrolling through the holographic list, he found the song he was looking for.

The beat started and Cole laughed. "Bag raiders? Why do you insist on making my day?".

"Because I am you best friend in this whole stinking world and you dont have a choice dumbass!".

Pulling up to the water tower, the two men equipped their weapons and stalked their way into the building below the tower.

"I see that you still use that crappy round-headed snooker stick", Cole whispered.

"Yeah, well its better than a half and half twig tied together by bandages", Andrew poked back.

Both men chuckled. A loud bang erupted from the back of the building and they ran there to see what it was.
Cole got there before Andrew and just stood there, staring.

Andrew caught up and was panting heavily. "Whats wrong? Why'd you stop so suddenly?".
That when he saw it

Maggie's corpse, still warm, with a Trublot Creeper eating away at her left arm.

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