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Enki slammed his brother on the ground, breaking through several layers of concrete and quartz. Gilgamesh managed to erect a shield that kept him from taking any damage, but the impact shook him to the core.

His laugh burst through the loud crash, and hundreds of copies of himself manifested around the crater in the courtyard. Gilgamesh stood slowly and shook the layer of dust that settled on his main body.

"Finally, the fight of my life and it appears if I don't get serious I'm going to lose. Ha!"

Enki blinked in confusion. "What-"

Suddenly realizing that his entire world had flipped sideways, Enki spun in a semi clockwise direction in an attempt to straighten himself. Instead, the world just flipped to the other side.

Gilgamesh's clones were all using their telekinetic ability to warp space around Enki in order to keep him disoriented. Suspended in this unstable field of space, Enki managed to rotate himself at light speed, ripping the fabric of the gameworld into ribbons. The clones lost their bearing, flying into themselves and shattering into bits of code.

Gilgamesh frowned. Enki was a lot more powerful than he had initially assumed. Summoning a massive great sword, [Sekhmets Dawn] ,he slammed it into Enki with enough force to shatter a medium sized universe. Enki tanked the attack, absorbing the impact and allowing some of the shock to diffuse into the ground. The vibrations emanating from his feet rumbled the entire planet, causing players and NPC's alike to look up from whatever miniquest they were on. Buildings crumbled all around as the tremors grew stronger, roads were torn into bricks and blocks of stone, cars crushed and exploded. The chaos reached a crescendo, as there was a massive nuclear blast from an underground research facility  erupted into the outside world, cremating every living and dead thing in it's path.

Gilgamesh struck again and again, causing Enki to sink lower and lower into the ground until his waist was un-seeable. Activating a hidden skill of the blade, [Sekhmets Light of Destruction] the blade shone a startling red, superheating the entire sword till it was almost 600,000° Celsius. It's mere existence in that state was melting the castle which was quite a distance from the battle.

Enki smiled. [Reality Marble] formed around the two brothers, changing even the most basic concepts of existence. Gilgamesh found himself in a desert, filled with various types of weapons. He couldn't even see the end of this place.

"What sorcery have you pulled this time, weakling? Are you too scared to battle me in the normal realm?"

Enki didn't answer. This only succeeded in riling Gilgamesh's rage, causing the mad titan to fling hundreds of swords at Enki. Enki didn't even flinch. The swords froze in mid flight, centimeters from his face. A smile began to form at the corners of Enki's lips, playing at the idea of amusement.

"You try so hard, just to disappoint yourself again. You're the weakling, Gil. Not me. You."

The word 'you' had so much venom in it that it actually made Gilgamesh feel a little sick. Retaliating with a seismic clap that may have once rendered a massive red sun unable to continue burning, Gilgamesh was stunned to discover his powers were ineffective here. Looking at his hands in honest confusion, he tried to figure out a way to regain his frightening abilities.

Enki laughed; a small, sickly little sound that was somewhere in between a chuckle and a choke. He blinked twice, and the ground opened beneath his brother, rising above his head to form giant, hulking hands of rock and sand. The grabbed Gilgamesh, flinging him around like a ragdoll on thread, played with his body almost like it was a tennis ball. One of the hands flung him towards Enki, and he didn't disappoint himself. Launching off the ground at light speed, he landed a roundhouse kick on Gilgamesh, slamming is infoot on his brothers temple. Gilgamesh spun in the air, dazed. At the last second he grabbed Enki's leg and used it to stabilize, throwing out an insane left hook. Enki blocked, guiding the fist away from his body and turning the hand back to it's origin point.

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