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Cries rang around the caves, bouncing all around the rocky walls and out of the hollow opening. Enki sat atop Lincoln's shoulder, hearing everything and not caring at all. Originally, he had intended to allow the humans reclaim Searte's throne, but all that had changed when Andrew removed the armour. He had never expected that such a weak and unimportant specimen could posses something so... beautifully powerful.

"Well, I'll see how this goes"  he said standing and vanishing in a burst of pixels.

****** ***** ******* ******* *********

Cole's leg bled.
It didnt stop. Didn't look like it would.
He had managed to pull out the chunk of rock that fell through his leg, but it wouldn't heal until his health bar was full. He swiped a chocolate bar from his inventory and shoved it down in three bites, flinging the wrapper to one side.

"Man they dont make Hershey like they used to." He sighed.

Pulling out a silver flask, a thin bar appeared on the left of his peripheral vision. * DRUNKEN MASTER SKILL CHAIN: RANDOM TECHNIQUE MODE*

Cole stood up and nearly fell down again. Laughing at himself, Cole staggered towards the giants left foot, bow at the ready.

With some strange gusto Andrew had only seen a few times, Cole spun in a wide shaky circle and fired three arrows in quick succession.

The arrows all seemed to fly in completely random paths, but then suddenly the first two arrows bounced off a wall and hit the third one, sending it hurtling towards the giants eye with increased force.

Andrew looked at Cole, a smug look on his face. "You missed ,you silly ape!"

Cole let out a very dicey chuckle. "Not on your grandma ,you half wit."

The arrow pierced the huge eye right in the pupil and fizzed through till they couldn't see it anymore.

The giant screeched in pain as black blood gushed out of its eye, blinding it. Flinging its enormous fists in all directions in a crazed frenzy, the giant crushed the legs of one of the Forsythe members.

The woman screamed as her leg bones crumbled into nothing, splattered in a scattered ovoid. Her health bar depleted rapidly, till she was left with only an eighth of its former amount.

The leader of the Forsythe team looked disdainfully at Cole and Andrew.

"Both of you are screwed now. Mark my words."

The words dripped as if lacd with poison, making Cole shiver slightly.

" I need more alcohol." He said.

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