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Gilgamesh tossed the heavy iron spiked ball on the end of his chain into the air a few times, casually catching it and throwing it up again.

"I knew you'd show up here, Heather. You just can't resist the opportunity of becoming the Ünoaí, and you've always craved my seat above the realms in Gameverse. Infact, aren't you the reason we've been stuck in this frigging universe for 6 million years?"

Searte smiled." Ethan. Lovely to see you're still mad at me after locking me in the Dark worlds beyond for the past millenia!"

A rock slowly lifted from the ground near the throne, glowing with fierce red light. It started melting and turned into hot bubbling molten lava in less than a second. The lava flowed towards Searte, covering her arms and her chest and solidifying as reinforced steel.

Gilgamesh smirked. "Since when did you need armor?"

"Since the Dark worlds taught me that you're stronger than you let off. By the way, Daenys says hello."

Gilgamesh paused.

" Surely you jest. Daenys is dead. Stop trying to distract me."

" He's very much alive, and in fact..."

Searte straightened from her stance, and pointed to a wall in between them. A spark flashed briefly, illuminating the room slightly. After a few seconds the wall glitched, and a dark hand broke through the empty space the glitch created. A leg soon appeared, and when it touched the floor the entire room shook like a grade 12 earthquake was passing through.

The face that appeared was nothing to smile about. The muscles were hanging off by thin strands of flesh and fat. An eye was missing and the jaw was incomplete.

"Geeeeelllgarrrmerrsssssshhhh" Daenys seethed through his remaining mouth parts. "Yeeewwwwwww deeeednt gertttt reeedd orf mhheeee!"

Gilgamesh sighed, a bored look settling on his face. " If you're going to try illusions, at least make them the same skin tone as Daenys."

With one swing of his weighted chain, the head of the decrepit Daenys copy flew off as soon as contact was made. The chain followed through it's momentum, curving unnaturally and slamming into the spot Searte should have been standing in.

Searte had run to the side and rolled into a defensive stance, throwing a shuriken as she landed on her knees.

Gilgamesh knocked the shuriken aside with his arm and swung his chain down hard. Searte jumped back and used a fallen pillar as leverage to propel herself forward.

With a mad burst of speed she stabbed with her right hand and made a diversion with her left. Adding a little burst of energy to the blades she slashed wildly, forcing Gilgamesh into a defensive position and successfully pushing him back.

Gilgamesh parried left and blocked right, dodged and ducked, waiting for the right time to strike. It didn't look like Searte was gonna hold back. In his entire life she always held back.

Maybe he'd take off the limiter he wore. For fun.

Swinging his chain to give himself some breathing space, he grabbed the pendant on his neck and ripped it off. His size doubled, and his aura started streaming out of his eyes as tattoos appeared on his body, decorating his pale white skin with ancient markings and pictures of times past.

Seartes eyes widened. "He's getting serious...I should be a little more careful." She thought, prepping herself for the coming onslaught.

The level of bloodlust emanating of Gilgamesh rose sharply, blocking out Searte's senses completely. Suddenly unable to feel her legs underneath her, Searte instinctively stepped back and tried to regain her balance. The pressure from Gilgamesh was sickening, heavy.


With a twitch of his index finger, Searte flee back and broke through the wall behind the throne her momentum seemingly increasing. She broke through wall after wall after wall, not stopping until she was in the outer courtyard of the citadel. As she finally rolled to a stop, she channelled her aura through her body to check if she had any broken bones or punctured organs. After satisfying herself that there were none, she took her limiter off, realizing Gilgamesh actually planned to kill her.

Feeling the sudden rush of energy flowing through her, she sidestepped a gigantic rock that was sent hurtling from the citadel. Gilgamesh followed soon after, floating serenely. His feet hovered six feet above the ground, and his chain was moving around his body like a snake, reminding Searte of the cosmic serpent that followed Tæron everywhere.

Seeing that Gilgamesh was waiting for her to act first, she smirked. He was always calculating. But the time for strategy had long passed and she could tell that he realized that as well.

"The days when I would have been merciful and asked you to join me in forging the new world are past, Heather. I would suggest you surrender. Even if you are stronger without your limiter you can never be a match for me."

Searte rolled her eyes." Match, match. I don't wanna be your match. Because I'm your superior, doofus."

Her left arm suddenly flew away from her body, almost as if it was rejecting being a part of her. The initial  shock of losing a limb made her numb to the pain for six seconds as she quietly stared at the hole where her arm should have been.

"Owwww!" She said dryly.

The world around them cracked, the break lines running wildly and in every direction. The mirror dimension she had opened would fuel her with dark energy while draining Gilgamesh.

"Oh yeah, stop calling me Heather. That pissant is dead."

Warping at light speed, she dashed at Gilgamesh, using the floating rocks to create multiple blind spots. Creating six shadow clones of herself, she danced off to Gilgamesh's right, throwing five daggers to distract him.

The daggers glanced off Gilgamesh, flying outwards being motivated by his telekinetic prowess. His snake like chain moved at deafening speed, following the clones and decapitating them one after the other. Gilgamesh looked to his right and saw Searte's real body dash behind a boulder, suddenly kicking it towards him.

With a heavy grunt, Gilgamesh touched his index finger to the boulder which caused it to implode and melt till it was glassy. He flung the mini shards of fiberglass at Searte making her retreat temporarily.

'I need a new plan' she thought. Spying a stable on her left and a fountain on her right, Searte drew the dark powers out of the mirror realm and infused it in the two structures. After about six seconds they stood and formed rough bodies proceeding to attack Gilgamesh.

"Did you really think that by putting spells on the objects in MY castle you could control them?" He asked, snapping his fingers as the stable giant and fountain giant turned to attack Searte, completely overriding her enchantment.

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