chapter two

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The place is really silent. The only sound is the sound of my heels hitting the floor. Nothing more.
"Hello. Good morning. "
I say to the blonde behind a desk labelled Secretary .She looks up from her laptop to me.

Unlike Katrina, she has no warmth on her face. She forces a smile and asks me how she can help me.
"I was told to come here. I for the job. The personal assistant needed. I have all the qualifications. "
I say smiling genuinely at her. Her ocean blue eyes drop to my feet and then back to my eyes. I  don't like her already.

"This way. "she says. I trail at her back. I realize she is dressed in a black skimpy dress. It's giving off alot of skin. I wouldn't be comfortable in such a small thing. Is she even comfortable? Doesn't she mind being ogled at by men?

I almost bump into her back when she stops infront of the door. Its labeled CEO. I organize myself making sure I still look fine. I wore a maroon dress with black heels. My lips in a hot red shade and my brown hair is free. I look presentable, responsible and the right person for the job.

"Come in"I hear a male voice answer from behind the door.
She opens the door and walks in and before I can walk in the door is shut right infront of my face. My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open just alittle.

I blink the embarrassment away, clear my throat and decide to wait. Making a mental note that that woman is not a friend. She is not more than an enemy. I saw it in her eyes. When she scanned my whole body like she was judging it.

The door opens and she motions for me to enter. And that is when I saw him. One look at him and my confidence about what I wore today went running out the window falling into the road and being run over by a garbage truck.

He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He has coffee brown eyes and jet black eyebrows. And so is his designer hair with a touch of silver on it. He has a sharp nose and sexy pink lips that are surrounded by a small forest. He sat back in his chair like the king of the world.

He was turning it left and right while examining me. His eyes travelled my body.From the top of my head to my tippy toe and back to the top. His lips were in a line and i couldn't tell whether he was impressed but the way he looked at me made flashes of red feel my entire face.

His eyes locked on mine, I thought to myself how that lady's dressing could be justified. She was to get his attention. I mean.....look at all this glory. He sits up leaning in towards his laptop and starts to type. Pressing roughly against the buttons. And then his words got me crushing from cloud nine to the depth of hell.

"I don't like her. Get another person. "
I stand watching the arrogant bastard dismiss me without even looking at my papers. I expect him to look at me atleast to see my reaction but he doesn't. He continues typing.

I tilt my head to get a glimpse of what his face is like. Maybe he is joking. But no. He is serious. He is dead serious. I turn to the lady and she doesn't look shocked. She looks like she is used to this.

"Escort her out."he adds. And the lady does just that. She escorts me out of the office. I stand outside the door wondering what just happened .

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