chapter seventeen

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A week and three days later

I watch as Angry bird handles  the preparation of the shoot. The sleeves of his shirt pulled up as usual exposing his long arms. The arms that weaken me to the core. Ever since the incident in his office , we haven't said much to each other.

He only talks to me when he is asking for files or sending files or scheduling meetings or when he wants coffee. Of which he never asks he orders. So not really talking. It is somewhat bothering me that he always let's such moments between us slide off his back like they meant nothing to him.

Yet they keep lingering in my mind every single time. How does he even do that? Maybe he hasn't forgotten and it's simply because these past days have been so hectic. Several meetings, too much paper work, model browsing and stuff like that. He has been up and down all week and if I wasn't to be his P.A I wouldn't have set my eyes on him at all. Which I don't know if I can bare.

"Where is he?"I watch him shout at the short man infront of him. If that was me ,I would not be able to stand on my two feet. My legs would turn to jelly. His voice when he is in one of these episodes of his scares me.

"Hey Dana. Can you help us with something small please. "Greg pleads.
"Ya sure. "I wasn't really doing anything. Just watching Angry bird being a hot bossy pile of good looks. What? Nevermind.

We walk to the dressing room and I find tonnes of people. And tonnes of shirtless hotties. My face instantly feels hot. They are doing their make up. Polishing their bodies and fixing their hair and I kinder wish this was my job. The ladies doing it seem to be having alot of fun. This is fun to watch. Gets me thinking of a certain bird shirtless. We walk through the room reaching another door leading to another room and there we find two ladies. One is in a T.Shirt dress ,she is seated down  at the mirror doing her makeup. The other walks up to me.

She is in damaged jeans and a white lacy shirt. Her hair is cut on one side of her head and I am.lost counting the countless number of piercings on her face.

"She is the one. "Greg says pointing at me.
She examines me. From head to toe and then rotates to check out my whole body. I feel so uncomfortable. But okay.
"She does have a good body. "she finally says. Her voice startling me. It sounds way deeper than expected.

I look at Greg wondering whats going on and he smiles at me assuring me that all is fine.
"Okay. Let her get into the dress and let's see. "
The woman says. I am completely lost here. What dress is she talking about. Before I can ask anything, I hear the door open and another blonde walks in.

She is holding a red dress in her hands.
"This way darling. "she says flashing an amazing smile at me that's getting me thinking about teeth whitening.  I follow at her behind the curtains.
"Here. Change into this. If you need any help you can ask. I am gonna be on the other side of the curtain. "
"Okay. "

The shoot is about to start and I just want everything to go as planned so I cancelled every meeting today to be here and manage everything myself . If you want something done perfectly, you should consider doing it yourself.

Ever since Dana , came up with that slogan ,the knots simply unknotted themselves. Everything is going great. And I want it to stay that way.

"Rob. Where is Dana?" She was here a while ago. Where did she go? I need her to be here for me to continue functioning normally. At first I thought that my feelings for her were in fact an infatuation but no. It's more than that.

And I realized this not so long ago. And I know am in big trouble. If by any chance it's what I am thinking ,then am done for. I have tried all week to put some space between us. I don't want her to get any deeper than she has gone because I know when she leaves , she is gonna leave with alot more than she has come with.

And obviously gonna leave more wounds than were already there. Of which am sure those won't heal. No matter how much I nurse them. If that will even be possible.
"Ya. I saw her leave. With Greg. "
Her presence is a distraction yet her absence is causing my destruction. Where the hell are you?

"Sir Christian , there has been a problem. " Greg says looking really shaken. What now! 

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