chapter six

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First day working at the Black Bird.I make sure i am not late for work putting in mind the way I got the job. Mr.Christian wasn't very pleased with hiring me so i have to make a good impression. I have to make him know that hiring me was a right move.

I don't like his attitude yes. I don't like it alooooot. But I have to tolerate it. That's what a good employee would do. Right?

I wear a black pencil skirt with a small slit at the side, a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of black heels. They are actually navy blue but it's really hard to notice. I hold my hair in a ponytail leaving some strands of hair to fall at the sides of my head. Alittle make up and am ready for work.

"Good morning. "I say to Rebecca. I got to know her name from Natalie who was briefing me on everything about the company. 
"Good morning. Here are the keys to your office. Welcome to Black bird."she says with such a cold face.

She doesn't like me. I don't know why but I know she doesn't like me. I head to my office and the inside is unbelievably better than what I imagined. The place is chic.

There is a desk in the center of room with two leather club chairs at the front. Almost like Sir Christian's set. and behind it the view of the city is clearly seen through the foot length mirrors. At the side is a shelf with some files well placed. There is a small white sofa set with a classy glass table holding a jug of water and some glasses well placed on a tray.

"Wooooooooow. This place is nice. "I walk over to my chair and sit. I swing it round and round and round. Now I fill like puking. The door flies open and my head darts towards a cold faced Rebecca. I feel like telling her to knock next time but I don't think that's a good idea.

"He's here and he wants to see you. "
"O-okay. "
I get up and prepare myself before walking to his office. I knock. No reply. I knock again. No reply. I knock again. No reply.

I look at Rebecca and she looks back at me. But she looks away after without saying a word. So I decide to open the door and peep. He is on the phone.
"Don't worry okay. I will make it........Love you to. "

I wonder who that was. He must be his wife or girlfriend or lover. He sounded soft and very calm and sweet? He looks very handsome in his navy blue suit. Like those men on the front page of fashion magazines that am always wishing for to pop out of the paper and marry me. He is really working his look.

"Coffee."he says walking away from the window frame to his chair. That sounded more like a command than a request. He removes his coat and places it on the chair. Then he folds the arms of his white shirt exposing the muscles rippling through his arms and for some reason I find it so attractive. His shirt is hugging him in all the right places. It shows his rigid large arms and his well modelled chest that I would so much want to touch.

"Careful. Don't get your drool on my floor. "he says while walking to the shelf . I realize my mouth was open. So damn embarrassed. It's not my fault right. It's his. For being so heavenly. And so s...stop! Hey get the man his coffee girl.

I turn and walk out. I can't believe I was caught gapping. Damn it. Damn it. So much for a good impression.


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