chapter eight

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He gets up and hugs me.
"How is your first day ?"he asks with a smile on his face. Well, Rebecca doesn't like me, my boss caught me gapping , and he also hates me.
"Its great. "I say. Returning the smile .His bright blue eyes station on mine and we are stuck like that for a moment. It's like he has something to say to me but he is holding it back. Someone clears their throat. Breaking the contact between the two of us.

"' Mr.Christian wants to see you guys in an hour."i say turning to the rest of the group. They are three guys and three girls.
"shit!"one of the girl says wiping her face with her hand.
"We are officially getting fired. "The man wearing makeup says. He actually looks nice with it.

"W-why?"I ask.
"well, CEO has been asking for a catchy slogan for the new brand of perfume. Scorch. He wants a story behind it and we have nothing. "Jayson explains. His bright face becoming alittle dull.

They all look worried. Like if they don't deliver what was asked from them. Each will receive a bullet through their heads. Is he all that.... difficult ? Now I am starting to actually understand why Katrina wished me good luck. I am gonna need it. Who knows if he will get angry  one day and pictures me as a punching bag.  

"Well I better let you get at it. I really wish you the best. "
And with that I left the room.

Having Dana in my office , being alone with her was raising evil thoughts ,sinful thoughts in my head. It made me uneasy. Especially when her eyes were glued to me like that. Observing every inch of me. I can't believe how much she is affecting me in such a short time. I have just met her for crying out loud.

Yet she manages to make me tense. I didn't want her to leave my office. And i still wanted to hear her voice. But the longer she stayed ,the higher my urge to touch her , to feel her, to have her to myself got.

And every time I think about the fact that I can't be with her. That she won't accept a man like me ,it angers me .it hurts me. It makes me question my life. What the whole point of my life is. She reminds me of how worthless my life is.

And the anger boils in me. Not for her but for myself. For my unworthy self. And the only way that I can get through this is pushing her away. That's the only way. Unfortunately.

I enter the board room and I find everyone there waiting for me. Dana is also there. She is taking notes for me. When I get in her eyes meet mine. Her crimson pools that make me stiff ,that call to me , that give false hopes of a chance of happiness.

I break the contact and turn to the team.
"So what do you have for me ?"i ask looking around at them.
"Well, we were thinking that since scorch is connected to fire ,the slogan should be something that says fire."Greg says.

I always question his use of makeup but I respect him because of his good ideas.
"Go on. "but no one says a thing. I turn look at their faces and nothing. No ideas at all. Plain faces and empty brains.

I pace left and right with my hands at my waist. That helps me relax. Giving them time to atleast make something up.
"Sir we are really trying our best."
I turn and look at Jayson.

"And this is your best?"he looks away. I am trying to keep myself from shouting at them but i just can't. I have alot going on in my head and at this moment the release of scorch is on hold because of these useless bags of meat.

"Do i pay all of you to come to work warm my furniture, eat and what else do you do? Whatever it is ,I don't. You are supposed to be the so called creative heads but you are as useless as the lobby sofas."
Seriously no one ever sits on them. They are literally ever there for show.

"Are you pitching an idea ,Stacy. "
"No sir, but..."
" Then I don't want to here it!"i shout. From the corner of my eye I can see Dana shifting in her chair. She looks...scared. It is disheartening but she had to later on meet the monster in me.

"Get out!"i say trying to keep my calm. They all walk out. From the corner of my eyes I see Dana stop beside me. Like she wants to say something. But she stops herself and decides to walk out. I want to hold her hand to tell her to stay. But I have to keep in mind that letting go will hurt worse than not having her.

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