Chapter 1: The wolf thing is no joke!

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"Willow!" Ms. Barx yells jerking me awake. I sit up straight trying to get my sleepy eyes to stay open. Wolf dreams! Keeping me sleeping during class. I slump in my seat again determined to stay awake. I adjust my wolf ears' on my head. 

"Now how can tell me how wolves breed in the wild?" Ms. Barx asks, trying to be as calm as possible. I raise my hand right away! I'm not missing this opportunity to show everyone how much I looove wolves. 

"Yes" Ms. Barx sighs calling on me. 

"Awooooo" I howl with great confidence. And I'm not joking that is how they mate! They call out exactly like I did and the female wolves come running!

"Uh-huh" Ms. Barx says tying her blond hair into a bun. She nods a little put-off by my accuracy. She was most likely thinking how could a 14 year-old girl know the exact sound male wolves make to mate. And your probably thinking the same thing. The answer is I'm obsessed with wolf stuff and I don't mind that I have no reason to. 

The final bell rings I walk out of class and school. I walk home as always. I visit the wolf exhibit at the museum. Then I continue home. When I arrive my Siberian Husky, Sparks greets me playfully. 

"Hey boy" I respond petting him. I then decide to make myself dinner to heat up again later.  I get out tortilla chips, cheese and salsa. That's right nachos is my dinner. I make enough for tomorrow too since I have to study for the science/biology/wolf test on Friday. 

I grab a nacho then throw the rest of the platters into the fridge so I can eat it as dinner later. Then I walk upstairs to my room and check my phone. No texts. Of course not my last friend left for Alaska 2 years ago! Not exactly popular as you can tell. 

I sat on my bed and got a good 2/3 of homework done before felling hungry. So at 6:30 (3 hours after school had finished) on Tuesday I finished my nachos. I decided that since I had a free period in the morning and would be putting myself to bed at 11:00 pm (it's 7 pm right now) that could watch my favorite documentary about wolves before finish my homework. As usual my mom arrived late from work at 7:30 pm even though her job lets out at 5:00 pm. 

"Hey honey! I'm home!" Mom announces. 

"Yeah, hi" I reply. My mom has been getting into a bit of a flunk ever since my dad disappeared a year ago. I don't know where he went but he was always distant so I didn't understand the difference too much. 

"Did you get the mac & cheeses for the weekend?" I asked completely lost in the show. 

"Uh I-- think so--" she trails off looking at the empty sofa where my dad used to sit. 

"Here." she says getting out six mac and cheese packages. 

"I told you to get green beans too!" I complain sounding like the parent. My mom shrugs then heads upstairs.

I finish the show, do the rest of my homework, play with Sparky then go to bed. It's a full moon. 'Wonderfully beautiful' I say to myself before I doze off. 

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