Chapter 6: Twin Switch Time!

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Me and Wilma switched clithes and I gave her my wolf ears she was repulsed at first by then but shrugged it off. She told me the duties of being the princess and told her to be her own world and not be to excited. 'The be in you world' part needed some explaining but we were quite confident we were ready. I snuck her back into my room and then I headed back to the kingdom.

Wilma POV:

After Willow leaves I rest in her bed and fall into a deep sleep. I wake up to mom knocking at the door.

"Hey Willow" mom says. I almost forget she's talking to me.

"Hey m-mom" I say for the first time ever!

"Get ready for school" she adds then leaves the house. I don't know why she left so soon. But I'll take what I can get. I change into an outfit for school. Then I take Willow's 'phone' that she gave me and find the school. Which looks so different then what I'm used to.

Back to Willow POV:

So according to Wilma we have enough meat and fruit for everyone. All I do is hand out food during meal time, sit the throne and vote on like stuff.

"What do you think we should do about the storms" a professional-looking werewolf asks me.

"Is your initiative ready?" another asks.

"Maybe just prepare food make sure everything is super protected." I say trying to be a calm as possible. The werewolves nod approvingly. They go off to make some agargments. I sigh and turn into the wolf then take a run.

Wilma POV:

I get to this place that Willow calls school. I get out some materials and shift Willow's annoying wolf ears on my head.

In class I sit and focus. Pretty  interesting stuff!

I get to Science and then I start to see why Willow thinks badly of school.

Ms. Barx tells everyone wolves are only instict. Ugh!! I won't let my cousin spieces, the wolf, be talked about like this! I stand up.

"Lies!" I yell. "I know wolves that are building homes and saving people out of the kindness of their hearts!". People laugh.

"But they do that not on emotion but-"  Ms. Barx begins but I cut her off.

"Awoo!" I howl. And then I regret howling becuase that is the howl werewolves make when are threatened and my pack knows it. They are going to come looking for me!

Back to Willow POV:

Some wolves hear Wilma howl. I try to stop them from going because then the humans will think it's an attack but they think I'm (it's really Wilma but whatever) in trouble.

They say I'm welcome to come and tell them I'm they're they're pushing it too far but they go anyway I follow. I don't know what else to do.

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