Chapter 13: Family Forever

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"Honey, Honey it's me!" Dad replies eagerly. We hold hands through the bars. Then suddenly visions of me and dad playing and being together crash into my head. I see everything fast but in such detail. I realize these are memories. He never ignored me, I was brainwashed somehow but now I'm not. 

"D-dad" I say almost speechless. But if ant guards were in the room they'd be able to tell what we were thinking right now. That I missed my dad. That he had been missing for a year and I hadn't cared. Dad seems to learn something to when our hands touch. 

"I knew you were the queen" he says. I let go of his hands and look away. 

"We should get out of here" I say ignoring him. But he knows what I really want to say. I want to ask how we just knew what the other was thinking when we held hands. 

"All werewolf royals have a special power. It's comes in a spectrum. I have the lowest score of Empath. The power is exchanging people's thoughts. Empath is lowest you have to touch someone to exchange thoughts, next highest is Tempath you have to make eye contact, then Atempest you have to perform a ceremony with sticks and fairy dust, and the highest Guardian. All a Guardian has to is concentrate really hard and use life force. With 10% of our bodies energy a Guardian can hear someone's thoughts from 50 miles away! Well, that is if they know where that person is." Dad explains. 

"What am I" I ask. 

"You powers haven't came in yet. There emerge at age 15, one year away from how old you are now. It's impossible to know before then." Dad adds. 

The guards come and take Dad and me out of our cages separately.  

"The princesses are to be executed before dawn" one guard says. Dad struggles trying to save me. They bring me to the head room with Wilma already there. They are about to behead her. When I think about my whole life ahead of me and my past. I feel a great strength from. With some sort of magic send King Timmore and the guards flying. I save the rest the wolves and leave. I try to get dad. As I'm walking over I can't find him or anyone. Wilma finds me confused amd gasps.

"I didn't know if it was true but the wolves told me that the Big Bads moved to another camp. They took dad with them. They're gone and no one knows where they are." Wilma explains. I am numb. I don't know how to feel so I just nod and leave.

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