Chapter 2: Wolf Sensations

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I wake up, yawn and open my eyes. I look around me. Somehow my room has been clawed and disorganized. My mom opens the door. 

"Willow good morni- ah" she begins, "what have you done to your room?!" She questions. 

"M-maybe it was Sparky" I said not even fully aware of what I was saying. I then realized I had no wolf dreams last night. That could be good!

"You should get ready for school." Mom says, and with that she leaves for work. 

I get out of bed take off my wolf ears a get dressed for school (outfit above) then I add my wolf ears. I grab a croissant from Starbucks I eat it on the walk to school. I put my stuff in my locker and take out what I need for Socials. I then head to class. 

While sitting in class the teacher asks a question but I can't hear it because it sounds like wolves barking. I shrug it off as too much watching of wolf documentaries. But then this kid who won't take a hint whispers to me and it sounds like the wolf mating call. Which I know he's not smart enough to pull off. 

Then a sudden wolf howling ringing in my ear. I cover my forehead because I start getting a bad headache from all the wolf sounds. 

Then my eyes begin to change color. I know because my eyes feel like their shifting but not in a way that hurts. I catch a glimpse of my now yellow and not brown like they were minutes ago. I slap on a pair of sunglasses. Then gray fur growing on the back of my neck. What was wrong with me?! What was happening!?!? I then run to the front of the classroom.

"Doctor, sorry I not yow" I mutter feeling my speech turn into wolf barks. I run out of school. And while running end up in the woods. Somehow knowing I should be there. Then I fully transform. I turn into a gray wolf that's 4 feet tall and 6.5 feet long. Just longer than the usual wolves. 

I try to cry or muster some speech but all I can do is whimper and bark. I am frozen by shock. I wait a while and realize my clothes are still on me but somehow turning into the wolf wearing version. 

I feel then that I should head further into the woods. Then I find other big clothes-wearing wolves. One I wearing a white wolf dress and a red cape and black suit. 

"Hello Willow" the one with the dress welcomes. I try to say 'how do you know my name' but instead growl. 

"We've been waiting" the one with the suit says, "I'm Leo" he adds. 

"And I'm Luma" the one in the dress continues. I nod. I have no idea what they want but I hope their nice wolves. 

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