Chapter 11: The Attack - Part 1

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I was confused. Worried too, of course but confused. What wars are starting? Was Wilma caught in a battle? Why is she the messenger and not the actually messenger in the kingdom? Wilma slowly opens her eyes.

"Wilma are you okay?" I ask. Mom walk over to the this side of the room.

"Wilma?" Mom asks delicately. Touching Wilma's face.

"Mom" Wilma asks. she sits up a little.

"Sorry to break up the family reunion" I scold "but what wars are starting?" I continue, interrogating Wilma.

"The Big Bads they know-" she pauses looking at me "every hundred fifty years there will be a great, mighty king or queen. They know that's you" Wilma looks up at me.

I shrug sarcastically and sigh. At this point I care more that these werewolves could die. I want to fight but I also wish I never learned about any of this.

"So what are going to do?" I ask. Wilma tilts her head at me in response.

"You're the queen not me, remember?" she reminds me. Right. I still don't know what to do.

"We can attack the base" I suggest.

"Why?" Wilma asks judgmentally. "We'd be outnumbered" she explains. 

"We bring everyone who can fight take out the guards and then we win" she retort back. I may not want to be the queen but I still know that I am. 

"That's actually not a bad plan" Mom says. 

"Ugh, fine!" Wilma agrees. I nod still nervous but confident nonetheless. Wilma tells me that the main base is near the cliffs. About 3 miles away. We gather up the people of our small kingdom and the next one that's the closest. We head to the cliffs. The Big Bads look different than us. They are taller they have darker hair and darker, almost black eyes. They are thin and look like don't eat much. 

I know what's coming! There is a fierce battle on the horizon! And we are starting a vicious attack!

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